Category "nuremberg"

What kind of ticket is required to travel to other zones having Nuremberg periodical ticket for tariff A?

I'm really lost trying to understand the tariff for Nuremberg (Nürnberg) public transport. This is the most complicated thing I've ever met. 10 tariff zone

What's the cheapest public transport from Nürnberg to Prague?

What's the cheapest way to get from Nuremberg (Nürnberg) to Prague (and back) with public transport (buses, trains etc.)? I've found that ICE costs about

Finding a place to stay between Czech border and Nuremberg

I'm driving from Prague to West Germany on the A6 and am looking for a nice place to stay overnight, preferably between Nuremberg and the Czech border. My wife

Cheap flights in the Nuremberg area?

I've heard that the airport in Nuremberg is very expensive, so the cheap flight lines are preferring to fly from other airport nearby. Unfortunately, I've faile

Trails for barefoot walking near Nuremberg (Bavaria)?

Where are the trails adequate for barefoot walking (novices) near the Nuremberg (Franconian Switzerland, Franconian Alps)? I've noticed that most of trails in t

From Munich to Berlin, 6 hours in Dresden or Nuremberg or Bamberg or Leipzig? [closed]

I am taking train from Munich to Berlin, and want to stop somewhere in the middle for about 6 hours (have lunch, visit one museum/tourist spot

Going from Berlin to Munich by car [closed]

I have one day to go from Berlin to Nuremberg (hotel checkin until 22hs). And next day going to Munich (hotel checking until 21hs) Which sto