Category "asia"

Museums about Japan's World War II history

I'd like to go to a museum, or possibly a memorial or similar, that is about Japan's World War II history. Criteria for such sites: Historically accurate. I w

Closest skiing to Indochina

From a developed, connected part of SEA - oh, let's say, Thailand - where is the nearest skiing? Mostly thinking of shortest travel time (eg, to go for a long

In Asian restaurants and airlines is it correct etiquette to use the hot towel on my face?

In many Asian restaurants both inside and outside Asia, and also on some Asian airlines such as Korean and JAL if I recall correctly, hot cloth towels are given

How to dry yourself after using the hand shower in the toilets?

Inspired by this question How to use toilet paper I want to ask "How to use toilet without toilet paper". During my travels through Asian countries, it was com

Travel with more than one passport [duplicate]

I'm planing a trip between many countries in Asia. I'm not sure if it is safe carry two passports of different countries. Of course both are v

What is the weather typically like on a cruise around Japan in October?

I am planning to go on my honeymoon in October. Part of the honeymoon with be a cruise that leaves from Shanghai and goes to Japan and Korea. Has anyone been on

Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?

... apart from western countries like the Australia or the USA themselves. During my visit to Taiwan, I wasn't able to find the dishes I'd typically encounter

Are there any restaurants serving real chinese food in Benelux? [closed]

I read this question "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?" and I got very curious. I always aprecia

Where and how to get a Carnet de Passage for a Pakistani Vehicle?

I am planning to travel to Europe on my Suzuki jeep. Where and how can I get a Carnet de Passage in Pakistan? I might even decide to do it on a motorbike if the

In which country do you pay tax and duty when travelling through multiple countries?

In example, my journey would look in the order: Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and back to the UK. How the customs duty and tax

Travelling to Japan from Korea on a UK passport

I have a UK passport and an E2 Visa for living and working in Korea. Will I encounter any difficulties if I want to travel to Japan, or will I need to get a vis

Are trains unsafe in Asia/SE Asia? [closed]

I want to travel via train from Beijing to Paris. How safe is this? Do the trains ever get held up, robbed, people kidnapped, etc? What about

How do I find travel partners for a bicycle touring trip? [duplicate]

I am looking for people interesting in going bicycle touring in S.E.Asia. Having travelled by bike before alone and with a partner, I'm keen t

Misunderstood body language in Middle East?

I'm planning on traveling to the Middle East soon, and I'm wondering if any of the countries in the Middle East change the meanings of regular "universal" body

Using squat toilets with arthritic knees

Referring to this question got me thinking (and laughing). I've used squat toilets a few times when traveling (and younger), although I try to avoid them. I g

Where is the Asia-Europe divide and where can we cross it?

Where is the division between Europe and Asia? What are places where we can cross it? Are there roads that go from one continent to the other? Bonus particular

Where in Asia can I meet tall people?

I'm about six foot five (195 cm in the new measure). When I've visited Japan and Taiwan, it's fairly obvious that I'm taller than the average person there, and

Sending unaccompanied bags from Vietnam to Borneo [closed]

We are working in Vietnam in October, and then working in Borneo. We have three weeks between the two jobs and would like to do some back pack

What's the cheapest way to get around from and to Mainland China, Taiwan, and Japan? [closed]

I'm a student trying to go from Canada -> China -> Taiwan -> Japan -> China -> Canada while staying in each place for at least

What is the bright light between Singapore and Tokyo?

I don't know if this is an appropriate place to ask this, so if that's the case please let me know. Every time I fly between Singapore and Tokyo I spot a brigh