Category "japan"

Is it safe to travel in Japan considering the nuclear situation?

Are there any areas that should be avoided and are there any steps I should take to protect myself from radiation?

Is it usual for Japanese sentos to offer cheap overnight stays like their Korean counterparts (jjimjilbangs) do?

Japan and Korea both have similar concepts of communal bath houses. In Japan they are called sentos and in Korea they are called jjimjilbangs. In Korea it is u

Bringing a camping knife to Japan

And before you ask, YES, it is for camping. I have travelled to Japan a couple times and enjoyed it. I know Japan law allows knifes of a certain size (under 6c

Is it possible to get from the Philippines to Taiwan to Japan (or the reverse) without flying?

It's not that I have a fear of flying but it seems the best way to see Island countries is by island hopping and these three countries are all relatively close

Are there any ferry companies operating between Russian East ports and Japan?

I'm interested in visiting the Japan after some Russian Far East trip. I'm searching for the sea ways to the Japan. Can you help me with that? Update: I'm sear

Camping near a beach, not far from Tokyo

I am looking for a place to camp (tent, coming by bicycle or train), at walking distance from a beach, and not far from Tokyo. Any recommendation? I have foun

Is there any way to get a ride on the new Japanese Maglev train in Yamanashi?

I know it is an experimental test track but was wondering if anyone knew how one might be able to ride the Yamanashi maglev train on one of its test runs?

Is Tokyo Metro accessible to people with movement disabilities?

A friend of mine will be travelling to Tokyo for a week or two, and since she has a certain movement disability, she was concerned whether the Tokyo Metro has a

Accommodation in Tokyo for a party of four

We are going to Japan in the beginning of April and we are looking for good accommodation in Tokyo and Kyoto for two adults and two teenagers. We would like int

Travelling between Japan and South Korea

We are going to Japan for 3 weeks in the beginning of April and would like to spend a couple of days in Seoul. How do we get there? And how expensive is the fer

Snorkeling in southern Japan?

Are there any good snorkeling sites around Kyushu in southern Japan? Is it warm enough to do this in April? (Context: newbie snorkelers... one or two days. Pref

Travel to Okinawa from mainland Japan

We are visiting Japan in April and I am thinking about a couple of days of sun, bathing and snorkelling in Okinawa. What are the travel options for this? Flying

How can I travel to Japan from mainland Asia by ship?

I'm planning my trans-mongolian/siberian trip and I'll end up in Beijing. I want to know if it's possible to reach Japan without flying (ideally Tokyo).

How can I find a good school to learn Japanese in Tokyo?

So I'm trying to live in Tokyo, and would like to learn japanese. I'm looking for an immersion school that will teach me Japanese starting from the basics to in

How well do foreign cell phones work in Japan?

What are the options for getting a smart phone up and running when travelling for a couple of weeks in Japan?

Car rental in Japan

Is it possible to rent a car in Japan with a Swedish drivers license? What is the traffic like? I figure that there is not much use in driving in the Tokyo or O

I have a tattoo. Can I visit a public swimming pool in Japan?

A friend of mine is currently traveling in Japan. She has a small tattoo on her neck. Now she wanted to visit a public swimming pool but was denied entry. It w

Amusement parks in the Tokyo area

What big popular amusement parks are there in the Tokyo area? I am looking for anything with fun rides, a bit of history if possible and nice surroundings. If t

Sacred mountains in Japan?

I read about a sacred mountain in Japan that was not Fuji. You know - the kind with monasteries all around and nice hiking in the hills. So now I wonder if this

Can I learn ski jumping in Japan?

Since visiting Calgary Olympic Park and seeing their exhibit on ski jumping within the ski jumping tower, I've wanted to have a go at the sport, and Japan is th