Category "moldova"

Travel between Odessa and Tiraspol

Are there any regular transportation from Odessa, Ukraine to the Moldovian independent republic of Transnistria? To be more exact, to Tiraspol? Do you need a v

What is the correct way of visiting Transnistria without violating Moldavian laws?

Transnistria is a partially recognized state that forms a part of Moldova. I would like to visit both Transistria and Moldova on a single trip. What is the righ

Train scheduled to leave Russia before visa expiry but is delayed - what happens?

So my friend is going to Russia, and has booked the train ticket from Finland to St Petersburg (for those following my earlier question, I convinced her NOT to

Where can I see folk music and dancing in Moldova?

We'll be taking a holiday in Moldova and are interested in watching a performance of Moldovan folk music and dancing. There are evidently large and elaborate p

If I visit Moldova on an ID card, how can the police see I'm legally in the country?

As a Swedish national, I'm allowed to visit Moldova without a residence permit for 3 months in a 6-month period. When going there I use my ID Card (accepted si

Are border checks on the Romania/Moldova border tougher when crossing by bus than by train?

I've had some people tell me that when crossing the Romanian-Moldovan border by bus, the border checks are stricter and take longer than if crossing by the Buch

Can I leave Moldova through Transnistria?

What happens if I leave Moldova through Transinstria? I guess I won't get a Moldavan exit stamp, would that be a problem if I visit Moldova again? Wouldn't it l

Vehicle insurance for Moldova

Can you buy insurance for a vehicle (a camper van) when entering Moldova? It is difficult to find in the UK.

Moldova e-visa application help

I am planning to apply for the Moldova e-visa, but I am a bit confused by their application form. The application form asks for "name", "first name" and "patron