Category "colombia"

Suitable ways to get around the Darién Gap?

I'm planning a backpacking trip from Central America down to South America. Does anyone have a recommended way of getting around the Darién Gap? I read

Getting to San Andrés

Last year in Valencia, Spain I happened to talk to a Colombian woman who generously praised San Andrés as a destination. San Andrés y Providencia

Planning air travel between Paraguay and Colombia

I am traveling to Paraguay and Colombia this October (order and exact dates are still flexible at this time). Being a resident of the United States, I am accos

Does Colombia require proof of onward travel?

I will be flying into Medellín within the next few weeks. I purchased a one-way ticket, as I will be flying to Asunción after I leave Colombia.

Boats from Manaus, Brazil to Leticia, Colombia?

I've heard of and met a few people who have done this route, and I hope to do it at the end of this year or early next year. However, the descriptions were mos

Is there a cruise ship or ferry departing for Ecuador from Colombia or Panama?

I'm looking for any way to go from Colombia or Panama to Ecuador by sea. It can be cruise ship or ferry transportation. Is there some company which does this ro

What are typical internet connection speeds in Colombia?

The answers will have to differ for internet cafés/hostels versus flats. I'm interested in both answers.

Traveling to Cancun through Zurich as the non-EU spouse of an EU citizen

I am from Colombia. I am married to an Italian. I live in Italy. We would like to travel to Cancun through Zurich. Do I need a transit visa?

Is there a night bus from San Gil, Colombia to Bogota, Colombia?

I've searched far and wide (well over a day's worth of searching) to see if there's a night bus from San Gil to Bogota. I need to know because of my flight. If

Does a minor need to be present to apply for a passport in Colombia? [closed]

Does a minor need to be present to apply for a passport in person in Colombia?

Passport number mismatch on US visa

A Columbian national is coming to the United States for a visit. She has noticed that her passport number and the passport number listed on her visa are diff

What are my options for getting from Barranquilla (Colombia) airport into town?

Well, the title is pretty self explanatory. It seems I can expect a taxi to cost about 10 USD (or the equivalent). Can anyone confirm? Is there a shuttle bus?

Obtaining insulin in Colombia as a foreign tourist

I will be travelling in Colombia soon as a foreign tourist (UK national) and will need to acquire insulin whilst there. I will be visiting major cities includin

Luggage limit on Colombian buses?

Does anyone know if this luggage limit is accurate? Todo viajero tiene derecho a trans

Colombian entering Colombia on day of Colombian passport expiry date, could I be refused entry?

So I'm a dual US/Colombian citizen, and I just realized I booked a trip to Colombia on the same date my passport expires! I still hold an up-to-date Colombian

How much is the departure tax when leaving Cartagena, Colombia by air? (CTG)

How much is the departure tax to pay when leaving Cartagena, Colombia by air if you are a tourist? I've read online that in Bogota, there is a desk you can sto

Colombia: 90 day visit period renewed on re-entry? (UK national)

I'm a UK national currently in Colombia as a tourist, travelling on a British passport. As such, I receive a free 90 day visiting period, without requiring a v

How to find affordable extended-stay accommodation in Latin America

I'm asking this in general, but specifically I am planning to travel to Colombia. The maximum period I can stay there is 6 months, and I will probably stay for

Buying Travel Insurance Whilst Abroad (UK Citizen)

I'm in a bit of a bind. I'm a UK Citizen in Colombia at the moment and planning to stay for a few more months, with no precise leaving date. I'm currently insu

Free yellow fever vaccination in Bogota airport?

I've heard that you can get free yellow fever vaccination in Bogota airport, I'm wondering if I can still do this in Feb. next year?