Category "airport-security"

What's the point of government officials checking IDs on domestic flights? [duplicate]

I know that in the US and in India people flying on domestic routes are required by the government to carry photo ID. I could understand why t

Is fear of having drugs planted in my bag enroute to Malaysia justified?

I am afraid to travel to Malaysia because I read that people possessing drugs are being killed there. Not being a drug user, I presume that drugs could be put i

Security check during Keflavik transfer

Do I need to go through a security check when transferring from a European flight to a U.S.-flight at Keflavik airport with Icelandair? Icelandair does not ser

Can I have my vaporizer in my carry on?

I'm curious if vaporizers(e-cigs) are allowed in carry on luggage. I will soon fly from USA to Beijing. I know that vaporizers are legal in both countries. T

TSA Security for oversized items?

Recently I attempted to check in 50 minutes prior to a US domestic flight. But I was denied checking my suitcase and was told by the airline employee that I co

What is the reason to not allow smartphones and laptops in checked baggage?

In Krabi, Thailand I was checking in baggage and there was a sign saying that e.g. smartphones, laptops (but also handbags) are not allowed in checked baggage.

Would barium get me in trouble in airport security?

I have recently gotten a barium swallow test for my dysphagia. The radiologist said it would pass in about 3 days. The problem is that I would still have it in

Will my HDD's get checked when leaving the country at UK airport?

About one year ago i came to the UK with my computer split into its components, each of them in their particular box that it was delivered with, and my two inte

Are battery packs allowed in hand luggage?

When flying, are you allowed to bring battery packs / power banks? I'd like to bring my ACC 10400mAh Power Bank on several flights.

Are metal beehive frame spacers allowed in hold luggage when flying from EU to the States?

Can I bring beehive frame spacers with me to the USA as hold luggage? And on the flights to the USA, are these not allowed as carry on baggage?

Can you travel with fresh flowers on domestic flights in the US?

I will be traveling from Seattle to Florida (8 hour united flight with one layover) and would like to bring flowers along with me. Is this allowed or is it a h

TSA and signing mobile boarding passes [duplicate]

If you go through security at the airport with a paper boarding pass, the TSA will look at your ID and then sign the pass with a pen, but if y

Domestic to international at JFK

I have a flight from Raleigh-Durham via JFK/New York to Incheon, South Korea. It's JetBlue from RDU to JFK and Asiana from JFK to ICN. I only have 2 hours layov

Do I need to reclear security when connecting between flights in the US?

I am traveling LAS -> ATL -> JFK -> FRA. I fly with the same airline company (Delta) and hence will be only in their terminals (I think so) in each one

How does the UK electronics travel ban affect my travel without check-in luggage?

Tomorrow I'm flying with Pegasus Airlines from Iran to London with a short layover in Turkey. I just noticed that electronics like e-readers are not allowed in

Flying in and out of Copenhagen. Do I need to go through security?

I will soon be travelling into Copenhagen from London, then from Copenhagen to Sorvagur (Faroe Islands) two hours after landing. I will have no checked-in bagga

Carrying items for other people in my baggage

I will be on a trip with my wife to the US and then head to EU for several weeks. My friends have already asked me to purchase or pick up items in the countries

Can I bring a pack of razor blades on a plane?

I have to take a flight soon and I want to know if I can take a pack of razors with me. They are in a pack that is designed to not let any out unlesss a person

Travelling with a boxed/sealed ipad to the UK

I bought my boyfriend an iPad Pro for his birthday. I am travelling from New York via Dublin to to Aberdeen, Scotland. Am I okay to take the unopened and sealed

Do Israeli security agents interview all those flying to Israel or is it restricted to El Al flights?

The one thing I hate about flying to Israel are the security checks at the origin airports. I don't mind X-rays and deep luggage searches, but there's also an a