Category "radiation"

Is it safe to travel in Japan considering the nuclear situation?

Are there any areas that should be avoided and are there any steps I should take to protect myself from radiation?

Is travelling to Chernobyl safe for tourists?

Recently I read in my Lonely Planet and on some news site like for example this one, that the site of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe is open for tourists. Th

How can I go to a thermal bath in Merano?

Do I need to book a room from a hotel? Are there any public ones? What is the cost? Should I expect nudity in saunas?

How can I visit Chernobyl?

I have heard that it's possible to visit Chernobyl as a tourist (and some questions here on Travel bear this out, asking if it's safe to do so.) I'd like to vi

Most radioactive places on earth

I recently visited Iwaki, Fukushima province to visit Spa Resort Hawaiians. Partially because it sounded interesting, and partially to buck the trend of oversea

Are there any good radiation measurement devices to recommend when traveling to places with high radiation?

Are there any good radiation measurement devices to recommend to bring along when traveling to places that have radiation level that is not suitable for a 8 hou

Are there any tours or opportunities available to the public where one can see Cherenkov Radiation?

Cherenkov Radiation (in my layman's understanding) is a blue light that appears when particles with an electric charge go through a medium faster than the speed