Category "nepal"

Annapurna Tilicho Lake without camping?

The Tilicho Lake is a side trek in the Annapurna circuit. Usually, the Annapurna circuit is traveled from guesthouse to guesthouse, without outdoor camping. Is

What is the actual price of hiring a porter for Everest base camp?

I know hiring a guide/porter is not required for the Everest Case Camp hike, but I think it is a good way to add something to the local economy. I am considerin

How to visit India, Nepal and Sri Lanka on a single trip

On my upcoming trip to India, I also would like to visit the neighboring countries of Nepal and Sri Lanka. Assuming I am flying into India (and out again) this

Is it possible to buy outdoor clothing in Northern India/Nepal?

Another shopping question, but I do think it is on topic! I will soon travel to India, the first few months I will spend in the south and lower parts of the co

Trekking tips to Langtang [closed]

I'm thinking of trekking toward Langtang, Nepal. As i don't have much knowledge of the really place and about trekking. I with my team have p

Most effective way to bring money to India and Nepal

What is the most effective way to bring money for a backpacking trip to India and Nepal? Are ATMs available and reliable outside of the main cities? Do they cha

How to get from Delhi to Kathmandu overland?

I am going to Nepal and probably, same as everyone, through Delhi. I was considering going overland from Delhi to Kathmandu, however I have found many posts tha

Is there a possibility to stay with a family in Himalayan or Karakoram mountainous regions?

How can I find a family to let me stay for a month in Himalayan or Karakorum regions of Northern Pakistan? Do you know if there is a company/tour operators who

Buying plane tickets offline in Nepal

Is it possible to buy air tickets from Kathmandu, Nepal to Toronto, Canada from a Nepali travel agent or any airline operating from Nepal? I need to buy tickets

Explain this interaction between a traveller, a boy and a bag of bread in Nepal? [closed]

I aimlessly bumped into a youtube video. A traveller in Nepal seemed to call the poor little boy hiding behind a post an idiot? I don't unders

On-site photography workshop in Nepal or India

I am an amateur photographer but do not have the patience to take classes to get better. I've heard of good workshops being taught while trekk

How can I get a Nepal Telecom SIM card in Thamel, Kathmandu?

Does anyone know how I can get a Nepal Telecom SIM card in (or close to) Thamel, as a foreigner? Preferable straight away with not so much hassle because I plan

Is there a way to get to the top of Mount Everest without hiking too far?

The title says it all, really. Are there possibilities using helicopters for example? What are the prices? Any experiences?

Nepal: How bad is the rainy season?

I'm considering a trip to Nepal next week, which will mean I would arrive in early July which I've found out is the rainy season. I would be planning to stay fo

Mount Everest without the crowd

I'm looking to trek to Base camp Mount Everest in the next year, I'm just wondering what the best time of the year would be to avoid the huge crowds I keep hear

What is a good gift for hospitality in Nepal

I am planning an extended Motorbike tour through Nepal and India and was wondering what a good token of appreciation would be .. besides money .. to give to peo

Vaccination for Nepal

I'm intending to go to Nepal (specifically Kathmandu and Pokhara) for 19 days trip, starting on 4th of April. After some research I've found that it's common t

Is it legal for an Indian Citizen to travel to Nepal without any form of identification?

I am an Indian Citizen and I wish to drive to Nepal. I am aware of the fact that if you enter Nepal by air, even as an Indian Citizen, you will be required to p

Does Nepal have open borders with India?

According to Wikipedia, Nepal has "open borders" with India underneath the 1950 Indo-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship. As far as I understand, it's not a t

Why do Nepalese authorities care about Everest climb fairness?

Following this news piece. Nepal said on Tuesday it was investigating whether a Chinese woman, this season's sole climber of Mount Everest from the Nepale