Category "kenyan-citizens"

Travelling to Morocco with two passports (one is Moroccan), which one to use?

I have a Kenyan passport and a Moroccan passport, and I am a student studying in the UK. The Kenyan passport is the only passport out of the two listed that has

Changes to British transit visa policy

A couple of days ago a friend of mine was denied boarding on a flight from Canada to London on the grounds that she did not have a transit visa for the UK. She

Kenyan citizen refused Schengen visa from Sweden

I am a Kenyan citizen. I applied for a Schengen visa, via the Swedish embassy, for visiting friends and family. I got my results today and I was denied the vis

Luggage transfer in Dubai between flights, without a visa [closed]

I am traveling from Stockholm to Dubai and Dubai to Nairobi using two different airlines. I have Kenyan nationality and can't go through Immig

Travelling to Malta from Kenya next month, concerned about my visa application

I am to travel to Malta next month for a conference I've been invited to. My host will cater for both travel and accommodation. I have a hotel reservation confi

What countries can I transit on my way to Kenya without requiring a visa?

I am a usa resident with a Kenya passport what countries can I transit on my way to Kenya without requiring a visa for the country I transit through?

Can I get a French visa in order to join the French Foreign Legion?

Is joining the French Foreign Legion a legit reason to acquire a visa to France?

Transit visa requirement for Kenya citizen going trough Switzerland to US [duplicate]

I am Kenyan going to U.S do I need transit visa in Switzerland?

Apply for Schengen visa in a third country

Can a Kenyan citizen studying in Russia and temporarily visiting family in Kenya apply for a Schengen visa in Nairobi and not in Russia, where he has his reside

I'm a Kenyan citizen with an expired US visa, who wishes to fly to Kenya without arranging transit visas. How can I do that?

I am a Kenyan citizen and my US visas expired in December 2015. I was going back home to Kenya through London, and at Boston Logan airport I was refused to be a

How can I get a visa for Canada as a Kenyan citizen visiting the USA?

I am visiting the USA with a B1/B2 visa, with a Kenyan passport. Do I need a visa to visit Canada and if I do, what are requirements and the process for me to b

Can a Kenyan person with a Schengen visa travel to the UK?

Can a Kenyan citizen who holds a Schengen visa travel to the UK for a short period?

Transit Visa Requirements [duplicate]

Do I need a transit visa through Heathrow to the USA? I hold a Kenyan passport and will be in the USA for four weeks. My transit time at Heath

Do I need transit visa at Muscat?

I am a Kenyan planning to travel from Guangzhou airport, China to Nairobi, Kenya and back with Oman Air with a transfer at Muscat. Do I need a transit visa at M

Can a Kenyan apply for a Schengen visa in Tanzania?

Can a Kenyan citizen can apply for a Schengen visa in Tanzania? He has already purchased his ticket to Italy but, but at the visa centre in Nairobi, there are n

Schengen visa denied because of fake bank statement

I applied for a Schengen visa to travel to Germany and I was refused because of fake bank statement. Now I am worried that I will never be able to enter any Sch

Living in India with a Kenyan passport and OCI card, just got my Portuguese passport. Immigration to the UK without problems [duplicate]

Kenyan passport holder living in India with an OCI card for the last 20 years, just got my Portuguese passport and living for the UK soon and

Does a Kenyan passport holder with an UK Tier 4 student visa require a Mexico visa?

I am traveling to Mexico in December 2017 and I hold a Kenyan passport with a Tier 4 student visa for the UK that expires in November 2018. On the consulate web

Kenyan citizen travelling to Sweden

I am preparing to travel to Sweden for missionary work with our church. I am the single mom of a one-year-old child and I'm self-employed. My business is fairly

Can you travel to Kenya on an expired Kenyan passport?

One of my best friends lives in the US but her Kenyan passport expired about 8 years ago. Now she's planning to go back to Kenya. Renewal will take a couple of