Category "common-travel-area"

Can I get in to London after being deported in Ireland?

I got deported from Ireland (Cork Airport) last year. The letter states: MR FERNANDEZ THIS IS TO INFORM THE PERSON TO WHOM NOTICE IS ADDRESSED THAT HE IS

Is an EEA registration certificate (EEA1) valid ID for travel within the Common Travel Area?

I am an Irish citizen, resident in the UK & looking to fly back to Ireland without my passport (currently submitted for a driving licence application). Wik

Do I need visa for UK visit if I have a work permit for Ireland?

I hold an Indian passport and am living and working in Ireland with a valid work permit. Do I need a visa to go to the UK? Do they have border control?

No stamp when going from India to Glasgow through Dublin

I was going to Glasgow via Dublin from India carrying tier 5 UK visa for 2 months student exchange. Immigration officials didn't stamp my entry neither in Dubli

Do I need UK visa to enter London from Cork, Ireland?

I am an Iranian citizen who is going to Cork, Ireland for a short visit with an Irish tourist visa. Can I go to London with this visa or do I need UK visa?

Immigration check between Northern Ireland/Republic of Ireland and Great Britain

Do immigration checks exist between Northern Ireland and England/Scotland? (not just for flights but also ferry/bus/train) Do immigration checks exist between t

Entering the UK with an expired EU passport and a valid non-EU passport

I live in Ireland with a recently expired Italian passport and valid South African passport. I want to visit the UK and wonder if the expired passport is proof

Do I need visa for UK visit if I have a work permit for Ireland?

I hold an Indian passport and am living and working in Ireland with a valid work permit. Do I need a visa to go to the UK? Do they have border control?

Immigration check between Northern Ireland/Republic of Ireland and Great Britain

Do immigration checks exist between Northern Ireland and England/Scotland? (not just for flights but also ferry/bus/train) Do immigration checks exist between t

Do I need visa for UK visit if I have a work permit for Ireland?

I hold an Indian passport and am living and working in Ireland with a valid work permit. Do I need a visa to go to the UK? Do they have border control?

Visa question from USA to Dublin to Glasgow [closed]

I am a US citizen and I am flying from the USA to Glasgow with a stop in Dublin to change planes. Do I need a visa even thought I am not le

Russia to Dublin, transiting Heathrow

I have Russian visitors arriving and transiting at London Heathrow with connecting tickets to Dublin, Ireland. Time between flights is two hours. Baggage is che

Implications in crossing the Ireland/Northern Ireland land border for an American

My fiancee is a us citizen, she recently arrived at dublin airport where her passport was stamped with a 90 day visa. However her final destination is Northern

Can I transit through the UK with a minor who holds an Irish non-biometric visa?

I am travelling from Lagos to Dublin via Edinburgh and I have an Irish biometric visa marked "BC", this qualifies me to transit without a visa, however my son w

How common are border checks on buses and trains Dublin-Belfast (and back)?

I've read stories about buses being stopped on the motorway Dublin-Belfast for immigration checks, and border guards boarding the Dublin-Belfast train for check

Do British citizens need a passport to visit the Republic of Ireland?

I am flying from Manchester UK to Knock in the Republic of Ireland for one week in June 2017 on FlyBe. I am British, born in Yorkshire 1946, and my passport h

Are there normally passport checks when entering Great Britain from Northern Ireland?

When I arrived by ferry from Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK) to Birkenhead (Merseyside, England, UK), police were checking all (foot) passengers for their passpo

Can I go to Ireland if I'm on a 10 year ban from the UK? [closed]

I have been convicted of a serious criminal offence in the UK and received a 10 year ban. I'm an EEA national. I want to move to Dublin. I hav

Does US National traveling from UK to Republic of Ireland by bus have to visit immigration for stamp [duplicate]

If there is another answered question here which addresses my question kindly point it out to me and I'll gladly delete this. I am an America

Why must you clear UK immigration when connecting to Ireland in spite of Irish border checks?

When flying from the UK to Ireland, you'll clear immigration at the Irish airport. So why must people connecting in the UK clear immigration (and be photograph