How to extend my national visa in Poland by one day?

How to extend my national visa in Poland by one day? - Man Holding a Green Drink

I am currently in Poland on exchange for one semester and my visa period which covers 138 days in total will end on the 30th June. However, on that day Beyonce will have a concert in Warsaw which I would like to attend very much. Considering the hours of the concert i will have to buy a ticket for the 1st July. Is there anything to do to (legally) extend my permit of stay by one day, so I won't have any problem on the border when leaving.

Best Answer

You have a national D visa which ends on June 30th. So you need a Schengen visa (that means any Schengen visa) for July 1st and perhaps a few days more.

  • Apply for a Polish D visa. Probably impractical.
  • Apply for a Polish C tourist visa. Not sure how they will react.
  • Apply for a C visa from another Schengen state. To do that you would have to have genuine travel plans which take you there after your studies in Poland so that the other state is the main destination.

Pictures about "How to extend my national visa in Poland by one day?"

How to extend my national visa in Poland by one day? - Bearded Man in Gray Suit Holding Green Beer
How to extend my national visa in Poland by one day? - From above of closeup flattering national flag of USA with white and red stripes and stars on blue background
How to extend my national visa in Poland by one day? - Flattering flag of United States of America

How can I extend my National D visa in Poland?

You must submit the application for visa prolongation, no later than on the last day of legal residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland. In the event of lack of the possibility of personal appearance, please send the application via post.

Can you extend tourist visa in Poland?

A Schengen visa or a national visa can be extended in Civil and Migration Affairs Departments in Voivodeship Offices. On principle, to be able to remain in the country legally you need to apply for a temporary residence permit. You can find more information in the article Residence permit.

Can I extend my stay in Poland?

The period of the stay on the grounds of the extension in your visa cannot exceed the period that is specified for the national visa, i.e 1 year. If you apply to extend your stay in Poland before the expiry date of your legal status, you can legally remain in Poland while your application is pending.

How can visa be extended?

2020 up to the date on which all India travel restrictions are lifted, will have their visas extended without any cost for a period of 30 days after these international touring restrictions are over. You can request this extension through an online application on India's e-FRRO portal.

Overstaying in the Schengen Zone - How to Extend Your Stay in Europe UPDATED

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Images: Pressmaster, Pressmaster, Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska