Everyone travelling has an Irish passport except baby who has a British passport, is this going to be a a problem since the UK left the EU?

Everyone travelling has an Irish passport except baby who has a British passport, is this going to be a a problem since the UK left the EU? - Crop unrecognizable person demonstrating British passport

I, my husband and two sons have Irish passports. However we couldn't get one for our baby in time so had to get a British one for him.

I believe there are two lines when showing your passports EU citizens and non EU citizens. Is this going to cause problems for us or can we still take him through with us?

Best Answer

Family members of EU Citizens, who are 3rd country nationals, may use the same lane as EU Citizens when travelling togeather, so this will not be a problem.

Pictures about "Everyone travelling has an Irish passport except baby who has a British passport, is this going to be a a problem since the UK left the EU?"

Everyone travelling has an Irish passport except baby who has a British passport, is this going to be a a problem since the UK left the EU? - Bridge over River in City
Everyone travelling has an Irish passport except baby who has a British passport, is this going to be a a problem since the UK left the EU? - Red Telephone Booth in Front of Big Ben
Everyone travelling has an Irish passport except baby who has a British passport, is this going to be a a problem since the UK left the EU? - Elizabeth Tower, London

Does a baby need a passport to travel to Ireland from the UK?

It is compulsory for all passengers (including babies) to have their own valid passport or officially recognised European Union I.D. card when travelling to and from Ireland or France. In some cases, a visa may also be required.

Can I leave the UK on my Irish passport and re enter on my British one?

You can use whichever passport is more convenient for leaving country A, and whichever passport is more convenient for arriving in country B. They do not have to be the same passport. But you must enter and leave a country on the same passport.

Can you hold a British and Irish passport?

If you are an eligible British citizen, you may be permitted to hold both a British and Irish passport. If you can provide evidence of your claim to Irish citizenship, you will be able to hold both passports. The advantages of holding dual British and Irish passports are significant.

Is an Irish passport an EU passport?

An Irish passport enables the bearer to travel internationally and serves as evidence of Irish nationality and citizenship of the European Union. It also facilitates the access to consular assistance from both Irish embassies and any embassy from other European Union member states while abroad.

A Million People Apply to Become Irish: Can Brits Escape Brexit? - Brexit Explained

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Images: Ethan Wilkinson, Pixabay, Pixabay, Pixabay