Regarding hotel booking after visa stamped [closed]

Regarding hotel booking after visa stamped [closed] - Sensual blonde in bikini chilling in pool

Please advise- after visa stamped i want to book all confirmed hotel bookings or valid reservations enough except my first hotel ? please let me know about train and rental car -i want to book earlier my departure or ? what documents should i carry before travel Schengen area for airport immigration?

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Can I change my hotel after getting visa?

There is no requirement to enter first to the country who issued you visa and hence no hotel change issue.

Can I cancel my hotel booking after getting Schengen visa?

Yes you can. But better is, you cancel the bookings once you clear the immigration.

Can I change my hotel after getting Schengen visa?

Can I change my itinerary and hotel accommodations after obtaining a Schengen visa? Entry and exit dates will be the same. Yes, technically no issues.

How do I prove my visa accommodation?

Proof of accommodation can be either hotel vouchers, an invitation from the host with a copy of their passport (proof of sponsorship) or if you have taken a pre-paid tour package a copy of that will do.

How to Book Free Hotel Booking For Visa Process? | Free Booking for Visa Processing #freebooking

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Andrea Piacquadio, chepté cormani, ELEVATE, Lum3n