Category "work"

UK citizen, US company, living in UK: Can I use an ESTA?

So: I am a UK citizen I work for a US company I currently live in the UK and have no US visa What am I allowed to do when I enter the US on an ESTA? Am I allow

What is traveling for work to Saudi Arabia like? [closed]

What are the things to take into account when working for 1 - 2 months in Saudi Arabia (Jeddah)? What are some of the cultural aspects that

Who hires non-native English teachers? [closed]

Most temporary jobs for foreign English teachers around the world, in places like Thailand and Korea, seem to require the person to be a nativ

Travel by working? [closed]

Are there still any ways you can travel by working? For instance, do you know of any organizations or industries that would be willing to tra

Can the same B1 visa for USA be used after employer has changed?

A colleague was issued a 10-year B1 visa to travel to the US from India while at another company. Can he still use this same visa (within the 10 yrs of issue) f

Can I travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer?

I would like to travel in the USA for a period of 3 - 6 months. But I want to spend some time working for my employer (remote work) and getting paid by the empl

UK citizen, US company, living in UK: Can I use an ESTA?

So: I am a UK citizen I work for a US company I currently live in the UK and have no US visa What am I allowed to do when I enter the US on an ESTA? Am I allow

UK citizen, living in India and working in India: Can I use an ESTA to work for 2 months in the US?

So, I am an UK Citizen. Currently living & working in India. Can I use ESTA to work for 2 months in US for my employer's client in the US? I will not be ge

What non third world country would allow me to work temporarily?

I am planning on going on a 10 month trip after my study as a Dutch citizen. In this 10 months I mostly want to travel, but as money will be needed at some poin

Is it possible to make a decent income from travelling the world?

My dream is to be able to travel the world and have a new adventure every day. With the internet, every day I'm able to see this beautiful and unique world, but

I want to work as a meditation trainer in exchange for meals and stay on a cruise ship, where do I start looking?

I teach groups and individuals how to meditate, release stress and do self-hypnosis for personal growth, sports improvement, weight loss, etc. I would like to

What visa should I apply for as an Au Pair?

On June 20 I am backpacking around Europe for almost 3 months with friends and then I will be living in Italy for 3 months as an Au Pair. I am unsure what visa

US Visas: O and P

Some young semi professional musicians are planning a tour that might include some dates in the USA. I called the CBP and they confidently assured me that an O

How to find coworker space in Berlin as a tourist?

I will be traveling to Berlin, where I will meet with some friends. We would like to have a hackathon which means doing computer work for which we would need an

How do you find quiet and well-equipped places to work in cities when travelling?

Sometimes, on business trips, I might be going to a meeting with customer for half the day, say. If my flight is not till the evening, I may want to find a quie

How to find a co-working space in Lille as a tourist?

In a few weeks time, I'm hopefully going to be spending a few days in and around Lille, some working, some holiday. For the working part, I'd need somewhere to

Is it legal to look for work in the US while on a B1/B2 (Business Visitor) visa?

I have got 10-year multiple entry US VISA on my Indian passport. I got it to attend a technical conference. I was curious to know if I give job interview duri

Is it permitted to look for a job while visiting the US under the Visa Waiver Program?

We already have a question on whether you can attend a job interview or look for work while in the US on a tourist visa. (Actually it's unresolved with two poss

Work as freelancer while tourist in US [duplicate]

I work as a freelancer in web development in Germany for German customers. I now want to visit my sister as a tourist for 2 months in the US.

Which kind of visa do I need as an expat online entrepreneur in Thailand? [closed]

I'm currently in the process of bootstrapping an online business back in Europe (European citizen) and I want to travel to Thailand for some t