Category "travel-agents"

How to best respond to a request to send a passport scan by unsecured email?

It is not uncommon for travel or holiday accommodation companies to ask for a scan of your passport by email. Sometimes local laws require them to keep a record

Does it make sense to try and negotiate prices with UK-based travel agents?

This question is specifically for the UK travel agents, but I would assume the answer would be applicable everywhere. I'm currently preparing to book a family

Booking a Vietnam Tour through a Vietnamese operator - what to be aware of?

Myself and my partner are planning a two week trip to Vietnam from the UK As part of this we've contacted a bunch of tour companies for possible itinaries and

Is it possible to use US/UK agents (sites or people) for flights to and from third party countries?

For instance I'm in NZ and want to travel to say US/UK or even other countries. I can of course use NZ agents to plan/book this trip. But not having traveled ov

Travel agent took payment now wants more money or canceling flights?

I have an issue whereby I had flights booked with Delta through a travel agent flying from Sydney Australia to the US and back again. My situation changed where

Is it common for travel agents to ask for credit card scans?

Have noticed when booking tickets myself that a couple of travel agents scan the back and front of the credit card that I would use to make a payment. And I hav

Why do (a lot of) people book airline ticket through agencies? [closed]

I'm not referring to travel agencies in general -- here I narrow it down to travel agencies that sell airplane tickets. For hotels, it's pret

What are "consolidator" fares in airline travel?

Can someone explain what "consolidator" airfares are in the airline travel world, and how they differ from "normal" airline fares?

South African Travel agent wants to see my passport - I live in the UK [duplicate]

My friends in South Africa are purchasing a round trip plane ticket for me in December 2015. I'll be flying from London to Durban and back to

Is there a website where I can buy wholesale travels?

I want to travel with my friends and family but a want to travel agency price.

Can Travel Agents get a better booking than say Expedia?

If I go to a travel agent, then can they get me a better connection than online travel booking sites like Expedia?

How to vet an overseas travel agency

I am an American planning a trip to Vietnam, and I was planning to book through a travel agency located in Vietnam. In researching the travel agency, I found a

A refund that I think my agent wants to cheat me on

I got a return ticket of Turkish Airline from Lagos to Chicago using an agent called ST. KINGS CROWN TRAVELS. I paid #269,248 and left for Chicago on 2nd Nov 20

Job interview in London requires me to wire money to the travel agent. Is this a scam?

I was told that I can have a visitor visa to UK, is this legitimate? I have received an invitation letter and a job offer, and I was contacted by the appointed

Flight booked through Expedia transit issue

I recently booked a two way flight through Expedia. The flight is from country A to B, both of which I can enter with no problem. Each of the flights has connec

Are there "traditional" travel agents receiving requests online for ITA fares?

I found a really nice fare in ITA. I cant get that price in any of the usual flight search engines. I tried hipmunk with its extended search capabilities (maybe

Kicked out of hotel in morning when booking through booking agency (asked to pay for extra day)

I am from UK, I went to travel agent website and booked holiday (flights + hotel), today is the last day and my flight is 22:30. In the morning we went to the c

Why would a company want me to book a flight via a travel agent if it is more expensive?

I am trying to book a flight. My university usually asks that we book a flight via a travel agent, but the prices he gives me are about $50 higher than the pric

Finding local train ticket agents/offices in China.

I am in China and want to buy a train ticket neither online nor at the station but from a travel agent that is able to issue such tickets. How do I find a tra

How do travel sites get cheaper air fares?

I was searching for a few flights for my parents, specifically from JFK to visit India (bucket list trip). Emirates was their airline of choice. On directly che