Category "couchsurfing"

Is there a feasible way to combine hitchhiking and CouchSurfing?

On my previous trip I tried hitchhiking for the first time and became addicted so this year I'm spending six to twelve months traveling in East Asia and Eastern

What is a good gift to bring from Sweden for CouchSurfing hosts? [closed]

I will be leaving on a 22-day trip around Europe pretty soon and will be visiting six or seven homes through CouchSurfing. I want to bring the

How do I verify my location in a country that has unreliable mail?

I'm trying to complete the final step of verification on and the country where I live (Dominican Republic) essentially doesn't have public mail

What online communities exist to help solo travellers meet up?

I've done a few long-termish mostly solo trips now, and you hear about communities like CouchSurfing and Warm Showers (for cyclists). However I also really enj

Are hospitality-exchange services reasonably safe to use in first-world countries?

Are hospitality-exchange services like CouchSurfing and reasonably safe to use? I mean both for hosts and for guests, and both for men and women

How long is a typical CouchSurfing stay?

When you are staying with a CouchSurfing host, what is a typical stay duration? Is CS intended for short (1- or 2-night) trips, or is it not unusual to stay fo

What can I take as a gift from Poland for my host, which is small and light?

I'm from Poland and I'd like to try some CouchSurfing after the trip in the mountains. I'd have to carry all things on my back, so this should be small and very

What does a CouchSurfing host expect from their guests?

I've never done couch-surfing and I'd like to start couch-surfing my next trip, but I don't know what the host "expects". Do I have to take something in exchan

Presents for Japanese CouchSurfing hosts

I was evaluating doing CouchSurfing during my next trip in Japan and this question: What does a CouchSurfing host expect from their guests? makes me want to ask

What sort of "invitation" do I need for a Belarusian visa?

I would like to visit Belarus. To apply for a Belarusian visa, one needs an "invitation", which is usually provided by a hotel or travel agency. However, I wo

What's the cheapest way to stay in Copenhagen? [closed]

A friend and I want to spend a week in Copenhagen to see the city. Copenhagen is ridiculously expensive and I am searching for a place to stay

Is it appropriate to ask your host(el) to phone emergency services when you don't arrive?

When raising the issue of traveling alone through nature, advice is always given to notify people about your travel plan and expected date of arrival. In case s

How to be tactful when declining CouchSurfing requests for relatively long stays?

My question is regarding hosting, and how to deal with people who want to stay five or more days. I've hosted a few times now, but pretty specifically only acce

Can I use CouchSurfing as as proof of accommodation for a Schengen visa?

Can one use CouchSurfing to prove accommodation for a Schengen visa to Iceland from India?

How early should I contact potential hosts for CouchSurfing?

I want to give CouchSurfing a shot as I'm going to be travelling to Japan and my #1 priority would be to socialize. In what time frame should I be looking for

What are some general guidelines for sending a good request on CouchSurfing? [closed]

How do I address the host? How long should my message be? How can I increase my chances of being noticed?

What's the difference between the Airbnb and CouchSurfing experience for a host? [closed]

I have a spare bedroom and I'm wondering whether I should put it on Airbnb or CouchSurfing. I'd like to know more about what it's like to hos

Is there an accommodations website centered around trading stays?

When Airbnb came on the scene, it seemed many (including myself) used it to make travel less expensive. But it has become increasingly popular for hosts to use

For a visa for Japan is CouchSurfing accepted instead of a hotel booking?

I plan to visit Japan for a conference in May for a duration of seven days. Japan visa guidelines say that hotel booking is necessary. I am thinking of CouchSur

Traveling Alone to Europe [closed]

I am planning a solo trip to Europe. I am a U.S passport holder and have an additional non-U.S. passport. I've never traveled by myself and ha