Category "closures"

Closures over Christmas in Hong Kong/Macau?

I'll be in Hong Kong over the Christmas holiday (Dec 20-28). I will spend part of that time (not sure when) in Macau. What sorts of closures should I expect ov

Spain on Dec 26th - Jan 1st

We'll be traveling to Madrid and Barcelona on Dec 26th - Jan 1st. Will a lot of shops be closed, should we consider rescheduling?

If Wall Street (in Bryce Canyon) is closed, can I still hike Queens Garden & Navajo Combination?

This page says: Wall Street and the Rim Trail from Bryce Point to Inspiration Point have closed for the winter season. All other front country trails remain

What does it mean when Stonehenge is "closed?"

I was in the UK near Christmas and was planning on going to Stonehenge, but it was apparently closed. I figured that Stonehenge was a natural destination and an