Category "beaches"

Any beaches along the New York - Boston corridor? [closed]

I want to stop between Boston and New York for a day on my travel to go swimming near a sandy beach, traveling by car. Are there convenient pl

Is sleeping in tents / hammocks allowed in Malaysian beaches?

Whenever I have visited beaches in Malaysia, I have stayed in beach-side chalets or shacks. I know that most island beaches there are designated as 'marine rese

Beach activities for 60 year old parents in Langkawi, Malaysia?

My parents are in their 60s and we are planning to bring them to Langkawi, Malaysia. I'm not sure what kind of activities they might enjoy over there, so, could

Is there any similar alternative to Zanzibar, in Tanzania?

I'm looking for a place in Tanzania that has the same qualities as Zanzibar (beach, food and rest), but preferable with less tourism and maybe

Camping near a beach, not far from Tokyo

I am looking for a place to camp (tent, coming by bicycle or train), at walking distance from a beach, and not far from Tokyo. Any recommendation? I have foun

Getting to the sea from Oxford

I live in Oxford, UK, which is a lovely place, but I do wish it was a bit closer to the sea. What's the best way to get to a beach, starting from here? I someti

Three days in Montenegro, looking for good beaches, where should we go?

I'm planning to stay three days in Montenegro. I'm looking for fine beaches and I'm travelling by bus. I've been to Budva earlier in my holiday and it was ok, b

What are some camping tips in general and at East Coast Park in Singapore?

What are the good tips while planning for camping for 1 or 2 nights near a beach. I am talking about East Coast Park in Singapore. We pretty much have nothing t

What affordable beachfront hotels in or near San Diego should I consider?

I'm looking for a beachfront hotel in or near San Diego for my family (on the theory that the water there is warmer than say Los Angeles or certainly Pizmo Beac

What parts of the Central or South Coast of California should I consider when looking for a surfing beach with beachfront hotels?

After asking "What affordable beachfront hotels in or near San Diego should I consider?", it occurred to me I may want to consider other areas of the South Coas

Two months in the Caribbean - With Diving Available

I am searching for some simple accommodation on some Caribbean islands, in Costa Rica, Panama or similar to stay for 2 months. It should be near to the beach, a

What places offer both good scuba diving and surfing?

It seems like most places are either good for surfing or diving, but not both. Purely anecdotally, it seems like the clearer the water, the smaller the waves a

Turkey sea-side cottages [closed]

We’d like to go to Turkey next summer to have two weeks holiday. There will be relatively big number of us – 6-8 adults and 3-4 ki

Where is the closest free beach where free camping is permitted to Georgia, the country?

When winter is over in Tbilisi and I can start hitchhiking again it would be good to find a nice warm free beach to camp on for a while. I know there is Vama V

What to do with your valuables on a low-cost holiday while swimming/diving in Central America?

I am planning to go to central America (Costa Rica + Panama) for a rather budget holiday, and I am wondering what people usually do with their documents, money,

Where can I go looking for amber in Gdańsk, Poland?

I've read that one can find amber easily in the beaches in Gdansk. I believe it, but how to get to those beaches? Will anyone be offended if I go there and spen

Looking for a small scenic beach town village in Spain or Portugal [closed]

A few friends and I are looking for a small Spain/Portugal beach town or village to stay at for a week. We want something scenic, ideally wit

Any free (no fee) beaches in Cape May?

Are there any free (no fee) beach areas in Cape May, where you don't need a beach tag?

Beaches accessible from central Porvoo

I'm visiting Porvoo (known for its historic centre) tomorrow. It's going to be quite hot (for Finland anyway) at 26°C, so, besides sightseeing, chilling at

What is a good place in Goa to stay with a beach and scuba diving? [closed]

We are going to Goa with small children and are trying to find a nice beach resort, but with a decent dive shop, so that the adults could also