Category "terminology"

Where is the passport book number and what is the difference from the passport number?

For the US department of state visa application, there is a question about the passport book number, which is apparently different than the passport number. Wha

What's a bio-data page?

The checklist for my Mongolian visa application mentions Copy of the bio-data page of your current passport (including passport of other nationality) What

In Mongolia, what kind of vehicle is a jeep?

In Mongolia, what is meant by a jeep? I assume it is referring to a general type of vehicle, not the US car brand, as Lonely Planet refers to Russian made jeep

On Expedia, what do the letters mean next to cruise ship rooms and how can you view cruise critics ratings?

I'm trying to book a cruise via Expedia and... well here's a screenshot: What do the letters by the room descriptions mean? What does HH mean? Other letter

Schengen Visa Refusal: Justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not provided

Schengen refusal formulae can be difficult to understand sometimes. When an applicant receives a refusal with "Justification for the purpose and conditions o

Difference between 'as you wish dining' vs 'second seating'

I was looking into getting reserving a cruise and was asked to choose between as you wish dining and second seating. As you wish dining makes it sound like you

UK Visa Refusal twice [closed]

I have been refused UK Visa twice, in 2015 and 2016, I am about reapplying for another one again. I want to get all the document that they sai

Schengen Visa Refusal: Justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not provided

Schengen refusal formulae can be difficult to understand sometimes. When an applicant receives a refusal with "Justification for the purpose and conditions o

Received gestures in UK pubs: pint versus half-pint

People who do not speak English well, or even people who do not want to speak a lot, will often resort to received gestures to indicate what they are after. So

Can I overstay a UK visa? Can I apply for an extension?

My uncle has a visa valid for six month which was issued in April. And he is intending to visit UK in around 1st of October which is apparently 10 days beforeha

How big is a "semi-double" bed in Japan?

I'm looking at accommodation for an upcoming trip to Japan. A room I'm looking at quotes a "semi-double bed", a size I've never heard of. I found this question

Strange sign instructions in UK car park

Today I saw this strange car park sign. What is specifically strange is that it asks you to buy a ticket after finding a space during busy times. Does this mea

What does "hold bag" mean when traveling with easyJet?

I will move to the Netherlands and am searching flights to select a price I can afford. I found easyJet and since I am moving permanently I will have plenty of

What is the difference between dependant and dependent family member

I got difficulty when I fill child visa form of Australia, I am really on a confusion to differentiate dependant children and dependent family member. the actua

Does the term "leg" have a precise meaning in air-travel?

Yesterday I was wondering about what the precise set of terminology surrounding direct and nonstop flights was. I found our previous question that covered thos

Is there somewhere a glossary or introduction to the different kinds of accommodation in Taiwan including the Chinese characters?

I've travelled in both mainland China and Taiwan before, but this time in Taiwan I've noticed a lot more Chinese words and characters than I was aware of are us

What's an "un-made up road" in terms of car hire insurance?

I'm checking the terms and conditions for various car hire insurance/excess coverage policies and I see a lot of lines like this one (this one from http://www.i

Web Sites: Disneyland vs Disney World in the United States

I was looking for Disney tickets and I found these 2 sites (Disneyland and Disneyworld ) that look exactly like each other. However, one of them is way cheape

Airfare booking class, sub-class and perks

I saw Miles & More: What is a booking class?. While with my Qatar Airways experience I came to know that there are various sub-classes even within Qatar Air

What are frequent flyer awards?

I read stories such as . Now I understand that such stories are something to