Category "south-ossetia"

Is it possible for a tourist to visit South Ossetia?

South Ossetia is a rebel provice of the Republic of Georgia recognized and supported by Russia as an independent state since 2008 but recognized by most countri

Crossing into South Ossetia (Tskhinvali) from Gori

I've been reading various conflicting information about visiting Tskhinvali. Are there buses or marshrutkas leaving Gori going into Tskhinvali? Would I have t

Can you enter South Ossetia from Georgia?

As the title says, is it possible to enter South Ossetia from Georgia or do you have to enter from Russia? Btw, I'm from Denmark if that matters.

South Ossetia visa [closed]

I would like to visit south Ossetia and north Ossetia. I will be arriving in Georgia first .. What is easy way to get Ossetia Visa ? and how