Category "swaziland"

Direct bus from Johannesburg Airport to Mbabane

I'm heading to Mbabane shortly. I'm flying into Johannesburg and someone mentioned that there was a direct bus from Johannesburg Airport to Mbabane. Can anyone

Itineraries in South Africa (+/- 2 Weeks) [closed]

I plan to travel to South-Africa at the end of this year (last week of December, first week of January). Now I would like to have some advice

Does anyone have experience taking a kombi from Johannesburg to Mbabane?

I'll be arriving in the Johannesburg airport and I've been told to take a kombi from there to [somewhere where they have kombis to Swaziland] and then from ther

How to book car hire online for South Africa with permission to drive through Lesotho / Swaziland included?

I gather that different South Africa car rental companies have different policies on taking vehicles out of the country, and that most allow it for Lesotho and

Do I need a South African transit visa to go to Swaziland?

I am Rwandan and I want to go to Swaziland. Do I need a transit visa? I will only spend one hour in South Africa.