Category "online-resources"

Where can I find up-to-date information about roadblocks and strikes in Peru and Bolivia?

I need to travel from Cusco, Peru to La Paz, Bolivia next month but people in both countries have a habit of blocking roads quite frequently. Every now and the

Is there a good website to plan a trip via trains in Europe?

My wife and I have decided to move across Europe by train. Do you know of any good sites for planning a trip via train (schedule and maybe prices)? We're going

Online resources/communities especially for travelling to remote islands [closed]

I'm dreaming of visiting remote islands such as St. Helena or the Kerguelen islands, but mostly don't get past the dreaming stage because I do

Flight deals from the UK

Can someone recommend a good website with flight deals from London/UK, which I could subscribe to? I mean promotions in different airlines, e.g. bmi used to hav

How do I know if it's safe to travel to a country at a specific time?

Are there travel websites constantly updated with safety tips and political situation of countries?

Is there a list of free accommodation resources?

I want to travel abroad cheaply and I would prefer to find some place to stay through a person or website, rather than book a hotel or hostel. There is couchsur

References for tipping etiquette in different countries? [closed]

Where can I find information about tipping etiquette in different countries? I'm hoping for a comprehensive database so I don't have to ask ab

Is there a definitive reference guide to cell phone standards by country?

I have an AT&T iPhone 3GS, and am wondering if I should switch to something else for use when visiting other countries.

What are the most effective rideshare sites in the US?

Recently, I have been traveling from upstate New York to NYC quite frequently and would like to find a site that is more effective than craigslist in attracting

Can Hostelworld Gold membership numbers be shared among multiple accounts?

Is a Hostelworld Gold membership locked to one particular account, or can it be used when make booking from separate accounts to get a discount? If the latter,

How can I do a "broad" search for flights?

Several airline and trip planning sites will allow you to check "I am flexible with my dates" or a similar option. Is there any way to also search more broadly

What's the easiest way to find a vacation rental?

I've rented a few vacation homes and really liked it but it always takes hours and hours to find a good one. It seems like there are 100+ diff

What's a good alternative to Dopplr?

From the Dopplr website: Dopplr is a service for smart international travellers. Dopplr members share personal and business travel plans privately wit

a webservice for finding the flights by country [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:How can I do a “broad” search for flights? Do you know any webapplication/service which allow me to sp

When to book tickets from travel sites rather than airline sites?

When booking plane tickets, I generally buy directly from the airline's website (as it is often the lowest or near-lowest price for the destinations I travel be

Online version of the Louvre museum

I know that some museums offer online tours of their exhibits, and you can easy "navigate" from one place to another and view the exhibitions. Is there any such

Visa for US citizen visiting Nicaragua

When a US citizen travels to Nicaragua, what does it cost to enter the country? How long can the stay be without having a visa or paying a fine? Is there a reso

Downloadable maps of China

Have met travellers cycling in Tajikistan, and they're hoping they can download maps of China - either road or cycle tracks (or both). They've searched high and

Website resources for 'out there' jobs related to travel

I've come across a few travel + working websites - which can get you a 'non-standard' job in a remote place - like EscapeTheCity which has had roles from post o

Accommodation search engine that allows setting an approximate price range without a date?

While looking for accommodation for my vacation, I have become rather frustrated with sites like where you have to set the check-in and check-out da