Category "saudi-arabia"

How safe is it for "Western" Muslims to participlate in the Hajj and visit Mecca?

So as I hope you all know, the Hajj is a religious pilgrimage that Islam requests all its believers to participate in at least once in their lifetime if possibl

Road journey from Europe to Mecca?

I would like to go by road to Mecca, either by car or by public transport trains, has anyone tried the route? I have got information on how to travel up to Ista

What is traveling for work to Saudi Arabia like? [closed]

What are the things to take into account when working for 1 - 2 months in Saudi Arabia (Jeddah)? What are some of the cultural aspects that

When applying for a Schengen visa, how do I prove that my employer/company will pay all my costs?

I'm Filipino by nationality and have been working in Saudi Arabia for more than 3 years. I've already started working on the requirements for getting a Schengen

What are the rules for driving in Mecca?

I'm a Muslim making a pilgrimage to Mecca. I'm an American citizen and have a valid US driver's license. I'm trying to find information weather I need to appl

Are non-Saudi women allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia?

A link from Are there any man-only places in the world? called No Women Allowed by Fox News repeats a claim I've often heard: Women need a man, or governmen

How to independently visit Saudi Arabia?

I've read that Saudi Arabia doesn't grant tourist visas to independent travelers. I've also read that recently they grant visas to group of travelers, if the to

Why doesn't Saudi Arabia issue tourist visas?

First of all, I am aware of the question about how to visit Saudia Arabia. This question is about why doesn't Saudi Arabia issue tourist visas. Second, for som

Can I bring an anti-religious book into Saudi Arabia?

Could I bring books like The God Delusion from Richard Dawkins to Saudi Arabia? What will happen if they saw this book in my hand during the check-in or somewh

Can I visit tourist attractions while on Umrah/Hajj visa in Saudi Arabia?

If I was granted an Umrah/Hajj visa, Can I visit other parts of Saudi Arabia beside Makkah where Umrah/Hajj is performed?

How cheap are the cheapest accommodations in Saudi Arabia?

So I know Saudi Arabia is know for being rich and for not issuing tourist visas. But if somebody were to go there on some other type of visa, such as a busines

Reusing phone from 2007

I visited Saudi Arabia for three weeks back in 2007. At that time, I purchased a low-end Nokia phone, and presumably a local SIM card (can't remember the detail

Car Seats in Saudi Arabia

I'm leaving in a couple of days for Saudi Arabia. I will have at least three vehicle trips: Airport (Jeddah) to Mecca Mecca to Medinah Medinah to Airport I'm t

Travelling with infant who stops being an infant during the trip (turns 2)

I'm a Canadian PR my family (wife, kid) are Canadian Citizens, we're travelling to Pakistan via Jeddah (Saudi Airline). We're staying in Jeddah for 1 week and t

How much does it cost for a visitor visa to Saudi Arabia?

How much do individual and family visitor visa cost to Saudi Arabia?

Travelling from Saudi Arabia to Toronto on dual passports, visa waiver with American? [closed]

I am little confused this time because my son has dual passports (Pakistani and American), now we are going to Toronto, Canada and for US nati

How to get Saudi Arabian transit visa for road travel?

Is it now possible for a Kuwait resident (engineer) along with family to get a transit visa to travel by road through Saudi Arabia to Bahrain? If so, which agen

Are non-Muslims allowed to build snowmen in Saudi Arabia and similar countries?

I recently read Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen'. A religious scholar issued a fatwa (which merely means legal opinion) against the building of sno

Saudi Arabia - Internet censorship/privacy and data security

I'll be traveling to KSA soon for business (from the US) and am curious about the kind of internet access and restrictions that may be enforced, as well as what

Can a Muslim woman visit Medina Mosques as tourist independently?

I’m a Muslim girl from Romania. How can I get a visa to visit the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia?