Category "mecca"

How safe is it for "Western" Muslims to participlate in the Hajj and visit Mecca?

So as I hope you all know, the Hajj is a religious pilgrimage that Islam requests all its believers to participate in at least once in their lifetime if possibl

Road journey from Europe to Mecca?

I would like to go by road to Mecca, either by car or by public transport trains, has anyone tried the route? I have got information on how to travel up to Ista

What are the options to travel to Mecca or Jabal al-Nour as a non-Muslim?

I'm not a Muslim (I consider myself as Jain/Hindu, etc) but I wish to travel around Mecca. There is a common belief around the world that only Muslims are allow

Are there any areas in Mecca that non-Muslims are allowed to enter under Saudi Arabian law?

I know Mecca is one of the most sacred sites in Islam and that a merchant was kicked out for entering the site and being Christian and that non-Muslims who ente

The Haramain Railway or Mecca-Medina Railway

This is an extension on the other question about Mecka: Is it allowed as a non-moslem to take the train to Mecka, stay in the nearabouts of the station and the