Category "study"

Somewhere tourists can lightly study Mongolian calligraphy in Inner or Outer Mongolia?

I'm currently in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia after having travelled through Inner Mongolia, China - which I'll return to when my current visa expires. I bought an En

Throat singing lessons in Mongolia

I heard of throat singing (perhaps more correctly called overtone singing) from the film Genghis Blues. Although Paul Pena went to Tuva, rather than Mongolia, i

J1 visa applying for Canadian student visa [closed]

I am currently studying masters in the US and I hold a J1 visa. I want to continue my PhD in a Canadian university can I apply for a Canadian

Two passports one with J1 visa

I am currently studying masters in the US and I posses two passports one of which has a J1 visa. I would like to continue my PhD in the same university I am cu

Applying for a visa if I am not sure to use it [closed]

I am in a bit of a situation. For grad school I have been applying to different schools outside the U.S. and I have been accepted to a school

Can a foreign tourist attend Okinawan language class in Naha?

I arrived in Naha, Okinawa yesterday and took an interest in the local language as usual since languages are one of my hobbies. Okinawan is a dying language se

Is there a practical point in learning foreign words while travelling?

It is frequently advised for travelers to learn the basic vocabulary in whatever is the local language in the country they're visiting. The reasons usually give

Can I apply for F-1 visa to the US before I leave the US for vacation back home?

I'm an international student on F1 visa. I am planning a trip home this summer. Is it possible to file for a return visa while I am still in the US so that I kn

Is it legal to study while on a tourist Schengen visa?

If, say, you acquired a 90-day tourist Schengen visa, would it be legal to use it for the purpose of visiting a language course or a university class? Or do you

What constitutes "studying" in the UK for visa purposes?

A comment on this question, points to a document, which specifies that: You cannot study in the UK with General Visitor or Business Visitor permission and y

Can Indian nationals not visit the UK for a short course (not by a university)?

I applied to a short-term course (5 weeks) that is arranged by a private organization. My application was declined by the organizers because they said that Indi

Student dorms in Stuttgart (Germany)

I'm intending to spend 6 months in Stuttgart in Germany starting from June 2014, and I'm searching for student dorms to stay in for one month until I find a roo

Proof of Accommodation and Training Approval letters for Schengen training visa issued by Germany?

I am applying for a training-based Schengen visa. I have to go to Germany and work on a research project with a prof. for about 6–8 weeks. The prof. is pr

Student discounts on flights to the US?

Are there any offers or discount for students flying to the US for education?

Can I enter the UK as a tourist then on a student visa?

I am an Australian student going on exchange to the UK for six months. I am intending on travelling prior to the commencement of my studies. As a condition of m

How long can I stay in Israel after my student visa expires?

My student visa in Israel expired one week ago, but I'm planning to stay here 2 more months and renew the visa either when I'm back home in Italy in the summer,

Tourism in the Schengen area either side of a student visa

Does time spent in a Schengen country under a student visa (issued by that country) count towards the 90 days permitted within the Schengen Area? My (Australi

Can I book two tickets to reach my destination with a stop over to my destination? [closed]

I have to go to Toronto from New Delhi. My question is: Can I book two different tickets for my journey, with 2 different airline? I might h

Will I have problem getting student visa after being refused once?

I am from Bangladesh and I applied for a student Visa for Masters study(MSc) at the German embassy. But since I was already enrolled in a MBA here in my home co

Tricky South Africa Visa Situation - study exchange [closed]

I am going for an exchange semester as part of my Dutch Master programme to Stellenbosch university which is part of a Joint Master. I have bo