Category "fukuoka"

Can I use my Pasmo and/or Suica from Tokyo when traveling Fukuoka?

I have a couple of Pasmo and Suica stored-value travel smartcards purchased in Tokyo several years ago kicking around. Can I use these on an upcoming trip to F

Vegetarian yatai food options in Fukuoka?

A friend of mine is soon visiting Fukuoka and would like to sample the famous local yatai food stalls: (courtesy Jacklee on Wikimedia) However, she's vegeta

Can I visit Dazaifu with a Fukuoka Tourist city pass?

I'm not sure wether the Dazaifu temple is considered to be inside the city limits and accessible with the tourist pass.

Do I need to quarantine at Fukuoka Airport after domestic travel?

I am going to travel to Fukuoka from Tokyo. Is quarantine needed at Fukuoka City?