Category "austria"

Pass in the Alps that can be crossed by mountain bike?

I'm looking for a pass in the Alps that I can cross with my mountain bike. I know that if there's a road, I could just use it, but my question is a little bit m

Romantic restaurants in ski area in Austria

I'm looking for a romantic restaurant (fireplace, view of the snowy mountains, not too big) in Austria within ski region. The region should be reachable in abou

Austria in September

I am planning a trip to Austria in September for myself and my wife (both Canadians). The rough plan is to spend 7-8 days, and we'd like to visit Vienna, Salzbu

How expensive is parking in Dachstein?

I'm planning to hike in Dachstein this September and I consider getting there by car. Only information that I can't find is the cost of parking somewhere near t

Inexperienced traveler: move every day or two, or use a home base? [closed]

I am planning a short trip to Bavaria, Austria, and the Czech Republic. This will be my first trip to Europe. I will arrive to Munich by plane

Advice on a road trip to Dolomites [closed]

This year, at the beginning of September, I am planning a road trip with my GF. The plan is to visit some sites in the Dolomites, Italy. Also,

Can I go ski in Innsbruck at the end of November, beginning of December?

I'm planning to go to Innsbruck for the weekend of 30th November - 2nd December. However I'm not sure if the ski runs will have enough snow. Or at least the mo

Is the Wachau Valley interesting only to skiers?

I'm doing a trip from Vienna to Salzburg just after the beginning of the new year, probably 2-3 January. I'd like to stay for a day and night in Salzburg, but w

Do I need an ESTA for Austria as a US citizen?

I am American. My Italian girlfriend who lives in Vienna says that I may have to apply for an ESTA visa to visit her. Is this correct? The last time I went to E

I am travelling to Austria for 6 months, is there any travel/health insurance I could get if I have a European (Spanish) passport?

I'm a 25 year old Uruguayan who will be living in Austria for 3 to 6 months. I have a European passport/nationality (Spanish). I am in the process of getting h

Tax refund in stores that are not close to the border

I'm living in a border region, and every time I'm shopping abroad, I can fill out a form at the store, let the border officer sign it, go back to the store and

Will I be able to catch a connection in the Austrian train in 2 minutes?

I'll be headed from Zell am See to Vienna on the 8th of march, on a train that leaves Zell am See at 10:19. There are two connections on the way - first in Sch

Is it true that a "dekoriert"-sign means that naked women are dancing?

During carnival in German-speaking Europe, there are a lot of bars that have a sign at the front door stating "dekoriert", which means decorated. However, when

In Austria (OEBB), what does "Book reservation for trains" give me?

I'm booking a train from Vienna to Graz on February, taking the Railjet train. I have an option to reserve my seat via the site, and I was wondering what would

Is there a reason to prefer the bus to the train in the Czech Republic?

I'm traveling to Brno for a conference, and am making last-minute travel plans. The recommendation is to fly into Vienna and take ground transportation from the

Is there a map that shows Austrian winter road closures?

Some highways in Austria close for the winter season. For example, the Grossglockner High Alpine Road is closed until sometime in May. Where can I find a map

Train from Zurich to Vienna - anything to look out for?

I will be soon be travelling by train from Zurich to Vienna, with 8- and 5-year-old children. Obviously we will be packing 'things to do', but are there any thi

How can I reach the Austrian alps by public transport from Vienna?

I'm planning a trip to the Austrian Alps, probably Gesaeuse National Park, or maybe Kalkalpen, leaving from Vienna. Does anyone have any tips on how to get ther

Best way to travel from Vienna to Salzburg to Munich to Venice and back to Vienna, by car or train? [closed]

I've planned a trip to go from Vienna to Salzburg to Munich to Venice. So I'm basically going through 3 countries. What I don't know is how do

Where in Austria can I exchange Swiss Francs to Euros?

My daughter bought Swiss francs and she didn't spend it all, now she is in Austria, where can she change the Swiss francs (CHF) to Euros (EUR)?