Category "mobile-operators"

What are the best ways to avoid data roaming fees when travelling abroad?

I'm looking for data plans I can use while touring different countries within a region without having to worry about being eaten by roaming fees. If such plans

Cheapest mobile operator in Europe [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:What are the best ways to avoid data roaming fees when travelling abroad? Is where any default cheap mobile provid

What's the cheapest way to purchase data access for my verizon smartphone while traveling in Spain?

What's the cheapest way to purchase data access for my verizon smartphone while traveling in Spain? Voice minutes would be useful too, although data only would

What are the best ways to avoid data roaming fees when travelling abroad?

I'm looking for data plans I can use while touring different countries within a region without having to worry about being eaten by roaming fees. If such plans

What cell provider should I use in Dubai? [closed]

Planning a trip to Dubai/Sharjah in November from the US. I've found two cell providers over there. Has anyone had experience with either pro

Using Australian mobile in China

Will I be able to use an Australian mobile phone (3 Network) in China? I know that I can do international roaming but I am unsure about any frequency differenc

3G/4G data plan cost outside your own country [closed]

Talking about YOUR country, and YOUR mobile-operator, how much are your charged (min / med / max) if you use 3G/4G data connection when travel

Cheap pre-pay sim in Canada?

I have my UK-based Android smartphone, but yay for Orange (sarcasm), it's locked and will take 3 weeks to unlock! Fortunately I also have a low-tech Nokia - I

Data connection while in Israel [duplicate]

Is there a cost effective way getting a data connection (sim card) for a mobile phone for 3 weeks while I am in Israel? So that I can read ema

Are calls to international numbers charged at international rates if the caller is in the same country?

Suppose I take my phone on roaming from one country (say Australia) to another (say Belgium). How do these plans typically work? Will somebody else in Belgium

What are the best ways to avoid data roaming fees when travelling abroad?

I'm looking for data plans I can use while touring different countries within a region without having to worry about being eaten by roaming fees. If such plans

What are the mobile plan options for a short-term (6 month) visit to the UK?

I am starting an internship in London starting October and was wondering what the options for a short-term mobile plan in the UK are. I use an iPhone so a data

Mobile providers and mobile internet in Thailand? [duplicate]

I'm traveling to Thailand for three weeks and I was hoping to get a local Sim card while there, to be able to contact home, people I meet, and

How to make cheapest calls from France (Mobile) to India (Mobile)?

If you are reading this then you know that today there are more than a million calling service providers. After searching for a sometime now I know, which ones

Mobile and mobile internet provider Turkey

I am going to Turkey for a 10 day trip. Is it possible to buy a 3G chip to have internet access in all Turkey for this period? What are my options and average p

Cheap pre-pay sim in Canada?

I have my UK-based Android smartphone, but yay for Orange (sarcasm), it's locked and will take 3 weeks to unlock! Fortunately I also have a low-tech Nokia - I

Prepaid Data Plan for cell phone in Italy

What is the best option for a prepaid data plan for a cell phone for a short stay in Italy (Sardinia)? I am looking for a Micro-Sim Card. I don't need to call a

Text message delivery time from Europe to Asia

I use an European online banking account with mobileTAN. The text message will be sent from Germany and is online valid for two minutes. Will the message reach

Prepaid Data Plan for cell phone in Italy

What is the best option for a prepaid data plan for a cell phone for a short stay in Italy (Sardinia)? I am looking for a Micro-Sim Card. I don't need to call a

Activation of International roaming

I plan to visit Europe from India and have activated the international roaming (IR). My questions are; Since incoming calls are also charged, will I get charg