Category "asuncion"

Getting to my hostel safely from Asunción airport after dark

My flight into Asunción gets in at midnight, and my hostel is a good 17 km from the airport. Is it safe to take a taxi at night into Asunción? S

Are patrons expected to tip at restaurants in Paraguay?

So I finish my meal at a restaurant in Asunción, and I'm getting ready to pay when I notice at the top of my receipt it says, "propina no incluida" ("tip

Buy bus ticket on line for use between Paraguay and Argentina

I want to book a bus ticket on line from Asuncion Paraguay to Resistencia Argentina - is there a web site with English to do so

Is there any elevator between the first floor (car rental) and second floor (departure area) in Asuncion airport (Silvio Pettirossi airport, ASU)?

Is there any elevator between the first floor (car rental) and second floor (departure area) in Asuncion airport (Silvio Pettirossi International Airport, ASU)?