Category "regulations"

Am I allowed to take photos of the Umaid Bhawan Palace premises in Jodhpur without being a guest

Is it possible to take photos of Umaid Bhawan Palace premises if you are not a guest of the hotel? I am mainly interested in taking photos of the back garden wi

Do clubs in Hong Kong have any particular dress code?

I'm going to Hong Kong for Easter this year and I needed some packing advice. Do clubs in Hong Kong have a dress code, if any? What I mean by this is for, say,

How does the regulation that certain planes have to always be within a 2-hour flight from an airport affect flight paths near the North Pole?

Recently or rather not so recently I read about a regulation (possibly FAA but I am not sure and possibly old) that the wide body jets have to always be within

What are the "rules" for multi-city flights?

As I understand things, airlines generally give discounts for round-trips that consist of a flight from A to B followed by a flight from B to A. How does this

Must I cancel the return portion of an airline ticket if I decide not to fly it?

I'm considering not using the return leg of my plane ticket since I can't extend the return date beyond a year but I still have enough money to continue travell

Is it ok to bring a mirror onto an international airplane (US - POL)

I am leaving to poland in a few days. I wonder if its ok to bring a mirror onto an airplane. If so what are the dimensions that are allowed?? The flight is f

Is it ok to bring a pen onto an international airplane (US to Pol)?

I'm traveling to Poland in a few days, and i wonder if pens are allowed on an airplane. I know you cannot bring sharp objects like small scissors and i see no r

Can air rules change between booking time and date of travel?

Let's say that I book a flight on May 30, 2012 and my flight departs on July 1, 2012. Will the air rules presented to me at booking time stay the same until th

Amtrak "large sharp objects" restriction: Are small knives included?

The Amtrak list of prohibited items includes the following: Large sharp objects such as axes, ice picks and swords Does this include small knives (such as

What is the import/export tariff cost from Poland to USA and from USA to Poland?

I plan on buying shoes and clothes with the intention of transporting them to USA. I am wondering how much tax I will have to pay to transfer these products? If

Can I fly domestically within the US as a Canadian citizen?

I am a Canadian citizen, and will be entering the US by train. I then plan on taking two flights within the US, and going back to Canada by train. This is a bit

How can I find the maximum permitted mileage (MPM) between two cities?

Apparently the IATA publishes a list of the "maximum permitted mileage" (MPM) between a large set of city pairs. This mileage is referenced in airline fares.

Are the TSA rules legally binding?

A user asked How do I minimize the chances of TSA agents confisticating liquids larger than 3 ounces? My question is - are the TSA rules legally binding or no

How rigorous are Amtrak in enforcing luggage rules?

Looking at Amtrak trains between NY and Boston, I found that all had "no checked luggage" save for a midnight train (less than ideal for a relaxing vacation).

How strict are European budget airlines in terms of enforcing hand luggage? [closed]

In Australia, I've never seen anybody get done for having carry-on luggage that's too big. It's pretty much whatever you can fit in the top co

What to do when you can't print your boarding pass?

I just use web checkin for my flight tomorrow. After that I should have printed my boarding pass. However, I realised that this is not possible. So what can I d

Can I leave my U.S. car in Mexico on an FM3 visa?

As a U.S. citizen in Mexico on an FM3 visa, can I leave my car in Mexico when I travel to other countries as long as my visa is still current, or must my car fo

How officious is Etihad airlines at checking passengers return or onward tickets?

As mentioned in another question I hope to fly one way from Istanbul to Seoul on a one way ticket in the next few weeks, then while I'm in Korea decide whether

My passport will expire a few months after I start travelling - problem?

My passport will expire a bit less than seven months after I start traveling - it expires in May 6 2013 and I am travelling on November 16 — will it still

When does the 24 hour layover rule apply?

I understand that most airlines have a 24 hour stopover rule which states that on an international flight if the connecting time at the intermediate point is le