Category "working-holiday"

How long does it take to process a French working holiday visa? [closed]

I am an Australian, and I need a French Working Holiday visa starting October 16. I will be traveling from August 1 until then. Since I can on

What is a good country for a working vacation? [closed]

My job allows me to work from my laptop. I was thinking of traveling this winter to a warm location and working from the beach for a few month

Volunteering opportunities when travelling overseas

I know this is a fairly broad question, but I am looking for a resource that lists volunteering opportunities with local charities when travelling overseas or a

Where can a middle-aged couple move for a couple of years working holiday and travel base? [closed]

I'll try to be specific so that this question is not too open ended and can be answered. We are vaguely dreaming about moving to a different

Which countries, if any, offer on-arrival work visas?

After seeing this question I began wondering - are there countries that say, Aussies or Kiwis (or anyone else) can get a work visa on arrival, or while in the c

Does the 90 days VWP rule expire if you travel from the US to Canada?

I'm on a New Zealand passport. From most US Embassy webpages: The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) enables nationals of certain countries, including Australia,

How long is the process to obtain a French working holiday visa as an Australian?

I am Australian and looking to obtain a working holiday visa for France. I have read and seen that it takes approximately 2 weeks to get the visa after appointm

Working holiday in Europe for Singaporean passport holders

(I'm asking this question on behalf of a friend.) My friend wants to go travelling around Europe and she has a Singaporean passport. Now, Singaporean passport

Can a student visa to Australia be changed to a working holiday visa after the course without having to leave the country?

A friend here in Korea just told me he wants to get a student visa to study in Australia for six months then switch to a working holiday visa. I know Koreans a

Staying on after a working holiday visa in Canada?

A working holiday visa in Canada is generally 1-2 years, depending on the source country. What happens when it ends? Can you: just keep travelling in Canada a

Can I obtain more than one working holiday visa?

I'm sure this has been discussed before but: I'm in the midst of planning a trip to Europe. I'm an Australian citizen, born and bred, and I'm only 22. I'm organ

Nervous about travelling to Canada [closed]

I want to travel overseas and work in Canada in a ski resort for 6-12 months. But I am a home person and get really nervous when I travel, an

Can I stay in Europe for more than 90 days with a UK working visa?

I am an australian citizen and I have a 2 year working visa (youth tier 5) for the UK. I have been traveling through Europe in countries that fall under the Sch

Is it possible to renew a British passport early?

I am planning on going to Canada on a working holiday visa. I know you can renew UK passports with 9 months still valid on your passport and they add this to th

Will a Canadian working holiday visa be valid on a new passport? [closed]

If anyone out there has an idea on this matter. I applied for a Canadian working holiday visa back in march and it was granted in April. I pla

Does my case count as overstaying on a Schengen visa?

I may have a "technical" overstay in the Schengen Zone due to lack of documentation. My history is as follows: 3/6/2013 I entered the Schengen Zone. I hav

What limitations are there on my 4 month old UK driving licence for use travelling across Australia?

I’m looking into buying a cheap car to use for travelling around Australia but have been spending quite a bit of time trying to ascertain the legalities/p

How can I get involved socially whilst travelling without necessarily having a job? [closed]

I want to take 6 months off, anywhere in the world at the moment. I'm a social person, I love nature/away from big cities. But I also want to

Does the 90 days VWP rule expire if you travel from the US to Canada?

I'm on a New Zealand passport. From most US Embassy webpages: The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) enables nationals of certain countries, including Australia,

Netherlands Working Holiday Scheme for Aussies

No visa is needed for Australians to enjoy the 90/180 standard rule in Schengen area. To extend that time in Holland (and maybe other places) I can apply for a