Category "perth"

Sydney to Perth on the Indian Pacific, what is included?

I will probably take the Indian Pacific from Sydney to Perth in February, and was wondering if anyone has taken the train before. Most likely will be travelling

West Australia luxury beach resort [closed]

I am looking for a honeymoon destination (resort or hotel). The constraints: beach - white sandy if possible Western Australia - stunning vie

In Perth, Australia for one month: rent car or buy car?

I'm an Australian citizen with an Australian drivers license. But I haven't lived in Australia since 2003, so I need to ask: I'll be in Perth for one month. I'

City parking in Perth, Western Australia

How is the parking situation in the CBD of Perth, Western Australia? May I know is it easy to find & what is the normal rate? It's because I am planning str

Planning a roadtrip from Sydney to Perth on my VW Golf [closed]

As the title suggests, I am planning a roadtrip from Sydney to Perth. Would appreciate any pointers on what to be done or any tips needed. Th