Category "dead-sea"

What is a good town/place to stay at, in order to visit the Dead Sea?

I am wanting to see the Dead Sea. Is there anywhere safe/nice to stay on the Israeli/Palestinian side of the sea? Travel guides I have read recommend travelli

Four days in Jordan / Amman. Itinerary suggestions?

I plan on going to Amman, Jordan for four days in March. I plan to spend a day visiting the Petra Caves - don't want to spend more than a day there unless absol

Good places to visit Dead Sea on the Israeli side

I have never been to Dead Sea, and I'm planning to visit there during an Israel trip I'm planning. Are there any specific "spots" that are popular entry point

Where near the Dead Sea can you most likely get to see a Hyrax?

I am planning to visit the Dead Sea, and from what I have gathered through online research, Ein Gedi is the place where I can find high end hotels. I am actua

Swimming in the Dead Sea

From what I gathered by reading on google about Dead Sea swimming, the popular statement of 'You can never drown in in the Dead Sea' isn't technically true. Its