Category "okinawa"

Travel to Okinawa from mainland Japan

We are visiting Japan in April and I am thinking about a couple of days of sun, bathing and snorkelling in Okinawa. What are the travel options for this? Flying

How, specifically, can I travel between Taiwan and Okinawa by sea?

This is a followup to a previous question of mine where we established that it is possible to travel between the Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan. So now that we

Are there any ferries between Okinawa and China?

I know there are ferries between China and Japan and I know there are no ferries between Okinawa and Taiwan. But I'm not sure whether I'm missing something whe

Cheapest place to fly from China, Taiwan, or Southeast Asia to Ishigaki, Japan?

I'm pondering meeting up with a friend in Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan on my upcoming trip. I'll be on a tight budget hitchhiking from Singapore to China with no r

Are there any ferry tickets /passes in Japan that cover multiple ferries between multiple islands?

I know you can buy JR Rail passes for travel by train all over Japan. But Japan also has many islands and I assume quite a few of them are serviced by ferries.

Is public transport in Naha, Okinawa good enough for day trips?

I am planning on staying 3 nights in Naha and was hoping to get to see a lot of the island and possibly other islands on day trips. Is the public transport fre

Can a foreign tourist attend Okinawan language class in Naha?

I arrived in Naha, Okinawa yesterday and took an interest in the local language as usual since languages are one of my hobbies. Okinawan is a dying language se

Ferry from Motobu, Okinawa to Kagoshima, Kyushu?

I know there is a ferry from Naha, Okinawa to Kagoshima, Kyushu. I know it takes on the order of a whole day or longer and that its price is approximately equi

Where exactly is Yamada Castle in Okinawa?

I've already visited the one restored castle in Okinawa and Wikipedia tells me there are several other ruined castles here on the main island. But one castle i

Can I stop at Amami on the ferry between Okinawa and Kagoshima without having to pay more?

I'm currently on the main island of Okinawa Japan. I intend to take the ferry to Kagoshima, Kyushu when I'm ready to leave but ... I know both ferry companies

Is there any kind of car museum anywhere in Okinawa?

After watching too many editions of Jay Leno's Garage on YouTube in the last few days, culminating in one about a '70s Japanese car, I started to wonder ... Is

Is there an awamori distillery/factory/etc in Okinawa that does tours or allows visitors, with tasting/samples?

Here in Okinawa there is a local spirit called 泡盛 awamori. It is completely distinct from sake (and from shochu). It's only made on the islands o

Foreigners attending events on US bases in Okinawa

I found out that there are some kinds of events held on land that is part of US bases here in Okinawa that are attended by the general public, Japanese and Amer

Is there one or more marinas in Okinawa used by private yacht owners that allows non-yachties to visit?

I've been in Naha, Okinawa for about a month, and I'm feeling it's time to move to the big islands. But since I've hitchhiked my whole trip (except the flight

Cheapest accommodation in Motobu, Okinawa?

I'm interested in finding the absolute cheapest place to sleep overnight in Motobu, Okinawa. There doesn't seem to be any hostels on the usual websites but I'v

Snorkeling spot in Nago (Okinawa) accessible without a boat

I am going to Nago (Okinawa, Japan) , and I have heard about a good snorkeling spot a few hundred meters from a beach in the area, but I don't have the specifi

Do Indian citizens need a visa for Okinawa? [closed]

I m holding a Indian passport. And I m going to jeju(south korea). My flight is from Mumbai to jeju. Jeju to Okinawa. Okinawa to mumbai. Do I

Is there an irregular transportation service between Hualien, Taiwan and Yonaguni, Japan?

The Wikipedia article for Yonaguni, Okinawa states: Yonaguni is much closer to the capital of Taiwan (Taipei) at approximately 100 mi (160 km) than its ow

How to see the mangrove on Kohama island

The tiny Kohama island in the very South of Japan has a mangrove (map): Having never wandered in such an area, I would like to go see it closely. QUESTION:

Snorkeling in South-East Ishigaki (between airport and city)

In Ishigaki, I am planning to walk or cycle from the airport to the city center, along the South-East coast. QUESTION: Are there snorkeling spots on the way?