Category "honduran-citizens"

Can I use B1 visa to travel to any US state without a business purpose?

I recently got my B1 visa in Honduras for training purposes to Miami. My visa is only for 3 months and will expire in Dec 4th, 2014. It also has the name and ad

Using a B-1 Visa for training in a different state than on application

I'm currently in Honduras and applied for a visa to go for training in Miami, FL. I was given a B-1 visa with only 1 entry and in my passport it has the company

Dual nationality : ESTA and non ESTA citizen with one valid nonimmigrant USA visa

I have dual French/Honduran nationality. I'm living in France, and I'll be soon traveling to Honduras for holidays. My flight will go through the US (One night

Criminal- traveling history

I had two felonies on my record for 2017. Burglary of an unoccupied structure (unarmed) and Damage of property ($1,000 or more). I pleaded guilty to both. B