Category "guidebooks"

Where can I find a ski touring guide book for the Patagonia region?

Does anybody know of a guide book for ski touring in Patagonia? Covering the areas of Bariloche, El Calafate and Ushuaia. Preferably in English, but Spanish wou

Is there a bookstore at Heathrow with a good selection of LP or Moon guides?

Okay, this is quite specific: does London Heathrow airport have any bookstore with a good selection of Moon or Lonely Planet guides (preferably both)? If so, w

Lonely Planet: pocket version or the big version?

I want to buy a travel guide for Rome, I found Lonely Planet. There are two versions, the pocket version and the full version. The pocket version is 13 euros,

Travel guides stores in Rome

Could you tell me please where can I find a store in Rome to buy a travel guide such as Lonely Planet? I hope you there's one near Termini station because that

Does London Luton Airport have any bookstore with a good selection of travel guidebooks?

I have a couple of hours layover at LTN (not enough to go shopping in the city) and would like to pick up the latest edition (yes, traditional paper version) fo

What does "sleeps" mean in holiday cottage/appartment descriptions?

I am searching for accommodation. And I found many "sleeps" options. Does that mean the number of beds? This is another example:

What is the city center of Lyon in France so we don't book too far?

I am booking in Lyon, France, and I want to know the city center of the city so I don't book too far. I found some places in Monplaisir, which I don't know if

Are there any guide books that give details of walks that are accessible to a wheelchair user in the Peak District (UK)

Are there any guide books that give details of walks that are accessible to a wheelchair user in the Peak District (UK)? For example the paths have a reasonabl

Is there any bouldering (climbing) guide for Khon Kaen (Thailand)?

We want to visit Khon Kaen to go bouldering, but I couldn't find any bouldering guides. I would like to have a guidebook or some information online to prepare

Finding a list of agriculture unique to Catalina Island [closed]

I'm trying to find a list of plants that are unique to Catalina Island. In particular one species of vine that exists on the mainland as a reg

Guide for how to behave or what to expect at a Panto in England?

I have been invited to a Panto in England. Now have I been told quite a bit about it, but I think it is going to be quite a shock for people who have never bee

Help me find a book describing two specific walks across Paris, France

I once had a small book (in French) that covered two approx. half-day walks across Paris, France. One went north-to-south: it perhaps started at a science mus

Guide books for independent travelers in Iran

I am in the early stages of preparing for a possible trip to Iran in 2019. I am an independent traveler whose original motivation is an interest in the architec

Buy Lonely Planet guides in Istanbul

I am in Istanbul and I would like to buy or get the Lonely Planet guidebook of Turkey. Do you have any hint on where I can find it? Thanks

Could you walk on the Via Appia Antica from Rome to Brindisi

I really like walking and history. I checked that the via Appia Antica is still could be traveled around Rome. However, it ends abruptly on Google Maps. Is ther

Do different language editions of Lonely Planet contain different content?

I'm planning to travel to Spain when things have improved a bit, and I'm getting reasonably good at reading Spanish, and my wife is a native speaker. I'm thinki