Category "motor-homes"

Is there a strong full-time RV (motor home) community in Europe and/or Asia?

In the United States, there is a very definite (if somewhat smallish) community of full-time RV'ers. There are several websites and blogs maintained by people

Is there a fuel calculator for RV travel in USA/Canada?

I'm thinking of taking an RV across Canada. However, having never used one before, I'm struggling to figure out how much fuel it might use. I'm hoping there's

RV'ing in Canada - where can you stay to get facilities?

I'm seriously considering taking a RV from Vancouver to Toronto/Montreal in March/April. However, having never driven one before, I was wondering - where are y

May kids ride in the back of a 5th Wheel in the US?

I'm investigating changing to a 5th wheel RV - that's the kind of travel trailer that you tow behind a pickup. In such a setup, there is no access from the dri

Traveling from Salt Lake City to Denver in late Autumn

It is October and I need to travel in an RV, towing a small car, from Salt Lake City to Denver. I'm concerned about road conditions at this time of the year an

Exchanging a Motorhome (RV) between USA and Australia

We are planning to visit USA in October and November 2014 and would like to arrange a swap for the Motorhome we have in Australia for one in USA. Does anyone h

Where can you rent an RV like a car in the USA?

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I'm interested in any nationwide (USA) companies which allow you to rent an RV in one place, and turn it in at another pla

Motorcycle type/class for the back of an RV

My partner and I are taking a RV trip through the U.S. and are planning to put a motorcycle on the back of the RV on the hitch. We are looking for a motorcycle

How to stay safe when using an autocaravan?

A friend of mine bought a motorhome/campervan/RV and I am going to get it with him and spend a couple of days in a roadtrip. The idea sounded great until we st

Is it viable to drive a RV around California in winter?

I am planning a 10/11-day family trip in an RV this coming January (yes, winter!). Since we are a small team of four people, we are looking at the smallest RV p

Motorhome with car in tow - how to pay tolls on a cross country trip in the USA?

How does one pay tolls on a trip from N. California to Boston? Each state has its own toll collection agency and many states no longer have toll collection boot

Do U.S. RV parks have high-speed internet facilities?

Do people who RV in the U.S. have to make do with 4G cellular data services, or are there high-speed internet services generally available in motor-home parks?

Is it safe to drive a Motorhome on the Swiss Alps during Winter? [closed]

We are planning a motor-home trip to Switzerland where the plan is basically to do sightseeing and staying away from crowd cities. I would lik

35' RV entering Yosemite on a Day Use Entry Ticket via the Tioga Pass, where should we plan to stop the night before?

I'll be driving a 35-foot motorhome from Lake Tahoe via Lee Vining (going around the forest fire if needed), planning to enter Yosemite via the Tioga Pass and e