Category "north-america"

What time of the year is the cheapest to cruise in/around North America?

What times of the years are optimal for getting the best prices on cruises within North America?

Is there a boat that will take tourists to Iceland from North America?

I'm certain that the lucky Europeans have a boat that will get them from there to Iceland. Is there a way for tourists to get from the US or Canada to Iceland?

Can I rent a camper in the US/Canada with a European B license?

We are considering a holiday in North America with a camper. I have a European driver's license (B) which allows me to drive personal cars up to 3500 kg, althou

Are there any trans-Pacific budget airlines?

Are there any trans-Pacific flights from the North American countries to the Antipodean ones (Australia, NZ) that would be considered cheap or budget airlines?

Is possible to cross the Bering Strait without flying?

I'm planning a trip and one of my main points is not to fly unless absolutely necessary. My biggest problem is how to cross from Asia to America without a plane

What options do I have for scenic long-distance train journeys in North America that last for 2 nights or more?

I'm looking to take a trip (or two, or three), in North America via train. I want to take a sleeper train and have some time during the day to see interesting t

How much does it add to a North America / Australia journey to go "the wrong way"?

North American flights to Australia generally involve getting to the west coast (LAX or YVR) and then crossing the Pacific. I believe Air Canada used to have a

Unlimited Greyhound or Amtrak trips in US/Canada?

I've heard mention of 'limitless' tickets in North America, either by bus or train. Do these exist? What are the conditions and prices?

Is there an aircraft hostel in Canada or USA?

Today we talked about hostels in funny locations, e.g. old prisons. Since I'm going to Canada and USA very soon, I would really like to spend some nights in an

How on earth can I use a Canadian toilet without splashing myself?

The last few days I had to use Canadian toilets. Now I'm from Europe and I'm used to Central European toilets: As you can see, the water is really far down t

Is there a North American Air Travel Pass?

A friend mentioned last night that a friend of theirs was trying to find out about some sort of North American air pass - they believed with Star Alliance. Are

Does one tip in the US/Canada for bad service?

In Aus/NZ you don't tip, it's not generally part of the culture. In the US/Canada you seem to tip for almost everything, but it's meant to be for a good job.

Cheapest way to get to Istanbul from North America

I'm checking out what could be the best way to get to Turkey from North America (JFK, LAX, MEX, ATL are all possible departing airports depending on airfare). C

Montreal - Atlanta travel

I'm preparing a quite long travel and part of it would be to go from Montreal to Atlanta. I've never been in America, and wondered if there may be alternative t

Do North-American car rental agencies typically apply a minimum driving license duration?

In Spain, I've once been rejected to be registered as an extra driver because I had had my driving license for 11 months, and the car rental agency required tha

Unlimited Greyhound or Amtrak trips in US/Canada?

I've heard mention of 'limitless' tickets in North America, either by bus or train. Do these exist? What are the conditions and prices?

Why are flights from India to North America usually late night?

My question is regarding Red-eye flights . Majority, if not all, flights from India are always after business hours. Few reasons I found on the internet: Fue

Travelling after E3 Visa

I am in the process of negotiating with my company to send me to New York on an E-3 visa (Visa for Australians). I know that I can only enter 10 days prior to t

Washington, D.C., or just Washington? [closed]

What is the (formal) name of the capital of the United States? Is it "Washington" or "Washington DC"? I'm aware that "DC" refers to "Distric

Transatlantic cruises allowing casual dressing?

I am looking at transatlantic cruises as an alternative to planes and while searching and reading about the topic, I am wondering about dress code. It appears t