Category "long-term"

Long Term Travel - what insurances can / should I get?

I'm a freelancer in the field of software development and I'm planning to travel to different places, but also continue working. I'd expect to stay at a certain

Does a Singaporean Student Pass visa card need to be surrendered when it expires?

Singaporean Long Term Pass visas (such as Training Employment Pass, Student Pass, etc that allow you to go through automated border control clearance) state tha

Long term travel without being wealthy - how is it possible?

Some people are practically most of the time traveling, from country to country, for a very long periods and sometimes even years. How could one be able to tr

Long term vacation on Falkland islands?

Has anyone ever been there? I was wondering if anyone knows any "local" classifieds site there for a somewhat mid-long term accommodation (3 months?) without st

What does one year of traveling around the world cost? [closed]

What does it cost to travel around the world for one year on average? I am not considering the continuous cost you have at home (Insurance, mo

Planning to stay for 3 months in Berlin, Germany. Should I bring a car with me?

I will be spending about 3 months (at least) in Berlin, Germany, primarily to look for some business opportunities or maybe a job. I am aware of the nearly perf

What is the LONGEST Tour operated by travel companies?

I remember 6 years ago, discovering "The Great South American Journey" operated by Gap adventures (now G Adventures), a 5 month trip around the continent (altho

Long term travel without being wealthy - how is it possible?

Some people are practically most of the time traveling, from country to country, for a very long periods and sometimes even years. How could one be able to tr

Supplies and support on a long-distance walk

I've travelled long distances, but I've always had my backpack and used transport, and can get by that way fairly easily in general. I've been reading about lo

Plan a long visit during a flight stop

I heard someone talking about taking a long visit (6 weeks, for example) at one of the flight's stops. For example, a flight departes from Amsteram, heading to

Absolute cheapest means of travelling long distance and duration [closed]

I know this is going to be a hard-if-not-impossible-to-answer question, and probably does not have one unique answer, but I do think it is rel

How can I receive mail while I'm traveling?

I'm preparing to embark on an extended journey, through at least South America and Europe, I anticipate traveling for 6-18 months. Is there any way I can cont

As a US citizen programmer, what kinds of visas can I get to work abroad remotely for my US employer? [closed]

I am a programmer working for an employer in the US who is willing to let me work remotely from another country. I would like to travel abroad

Accepted student with long sejour visa (OFII) to France, but arriving as tourist

I have been accepted as student for the 2013 January intake. Since the “lettre de attestation” says the program will start by the 4th of January I s

Travel by working? [closed]

Are there still any ways you can travel by working? For instance, do you know of any organizations or industries that would be willing to tra

Does a Singaporean Student Pass visa card need to be surrendered when it expires?

Singaporean Long Term Pass visas (such as Training Employment Pass, Student Pass, etc that allow you to go through automated border control clearance) state tha

Traveling to France before date of the long sejour visa

I would like to travel to France before the starting date of my long sejour visa. I thought it will be no problem since I can travel to the Schengen only with m

What do I need to work and travel in the US for 10 months as a Dutch citizen?

I am a Dutch citizen planning on going on a big trip to the USA from January 2014 to October 2014. I want to visit Canada and Honduras as well during this trip,

USA - ESTA for 5-month stay

My mum is Australian and wants to enter the States with an ESTA and stay around 5 months. Could she apply for a B-2 visa in the US or does she have to go back

As a French citizen, how long can I travel through Canada?

I would like to visit Canada for a long time, as it is a large country and I have time. I am a French citizen and I could not find a Canadian authoritative sou