Of course there is Las Vegas. But so far, the US does not recognize same-sex marriage. Only 13 countries so far seem to have recognized the right to conduct sam
Long story short, we were a group of people on a short visit to London, one of us (a male) wore white jeans, then an European woman from the group told him that
I am spending a week in Ukraine as part of an LGBT performing arts group. We will be under the protection of the US Embassy and will be visit
I am Sri Lankan male to female transgender person (but my travel document still lists me as male) and have a boyfriend from the United States. Can we get marrie
A group of friends and I intend to visit Warsaw and its surroundings next year. We are members of the LGBT community. Seeing the scale of the 11/11/17 far-right
When purchasing a reserved ticket on any train operated by Indian Railways, one's required to enter the age and gender (male or female) of all passengers. Howev
Quote from Swiss press release: Now you can easily adjust your gender identity As of January 1, 2022, an amendment to the Civil Code will come into force. To a