Category "stateless-persons"

Turkey transit visa for a stateless person? [duplicate]

I am a stateless person but I am a resident of Uzbekistan. I am going to visit Bulgaria on the 16th of August this year. Unfortunately there i

How to travel if you are stateless?

After reading this question few questions popped up in my head. I know what a stateless person is after I read this wikipedia page but I could not find how do s

Can I travel to France with my wife who does not have a visa?

Can I travel to France with my wife and child? I have a British passport and so does our daughter, however my wife has a UK stateless travel document. We are lo

Schengen visa, in refugee travel document from USA

I'm a stateless refugee from Estonia with a traveler refugee document issued by USA, and Schengen visa by Spain consulate in USA. My visa was issued from 1st ju

Travelling through the Schengen area with a Refugee Travel Document issued by the USA

I just want to double check to make sure I won't run into any issues at the border of entry. I'm a permanent resident of the USA with a green card and I have a

Travelling through the Schengen area with a Refugee Travel Document issued by the USA

I just want to double check to make sure I won't run into any issues at the border of entry. I'm a permanent resident of the USA with a green card and I have a

Schengen visa for a stateless person

I have applied for a long-term residence in the Czech Republic. However, as I am a stateless person residing in Uzbekistan, I was permitted to enter only 11 EU

Travelling through the Schengen area with a Refugee Travel Document issued by the USA

I just want to double check to make sure I won't run into any issues at the border of entry. I'm a permanent resident of the USA with a green card and I have a

I don't know my nationality. How can I visit Denmark?

I was born in a Thailand refugee camp to Vietnamese parents, but quickly as an infant, they immigrated to Denmark. We lived there for 10-11 years and then moved

Travelling through the Schengen area with a Refugee Travel Document issued by the USA

I just want to double check to make sure I won't run into any issues at the border of entry. I'm a permanent resident of the USA with a green card and I have a

Leaving the Schengen area with a Refugee Travel Document issued by the USA

I'm a permanent resident of the USA with a green card and I have a travel document issued by the USA (I-571). As I understand I can enter Germany, Belgium, Net

Can a passport-less person (Indian origin) in Saudi Arabia travel?

They were born in Saudi Arabia but for some reasons their passports were never made. They were on their mother's passport earlier as kids who was a Pakistani (s

Visiting Schengen countries with travel document and green card (obtained through the refugee status) [closed]

I'm a permanent resident of the USA with a green card obtained as a direct result of refugee status (refugee from Russia). I have a travel doc

Do stateless people need a visa for a layover in China?

I'm flying to Thailand with a US Travel Document and a visa for Thailand. I have a 7-hour layover in China. Should I be good with the 24-hour China visa exempti

Which Countries accept Stateless Person Certificate as travelling document for Visa [closed]

Please someone can help with the list of countries who grant tourist visa for Stateless Person Certificate?

Are you considered a stateless person if you lose your passport?

My question is about someone who's traveling and loses their passport on foreign ground. After restoring, the new passport came from his own country, but was co

ESTA: Previous Citizenship/Passport? (for both Stateless and Soviet Union ex. nationals)

We're travelling as a group, currently we are all EU citizens with no other nationality/passports issued by other countries. Though there's a bit of confusion

Can a stateless person travel to all Schengen areas? (holding Bruneian International Certificate of Identity) [closed]

I have this problem: I am stateless from Brunei. Can I apply for a multiple entry Schengen visa? Does anyone have this experience? I am plann

How to apply for a visa for a stateless person to come to Canada from the Netherlands

My girlfriend and her daughter are living in the Netherlands. Her daughter has a Dutch passport but she does not. Is there anyway that she can apply for a v

Travelling through the Schengen area with a Refugee Travel Document issued by the USA

I just want to double check to make sure I won't run into any issues at the border of entry. I'm a permanent resident of the USA with a green card and I have a