Category "middle-east"

Is it safe to travel to Socotra, Yemen?

I have been wanting to travel to Socotra, Yemen to see the dragonblood trees and bizarrely beautiful landscapes for a while now, but given the current instabili

Are some parts of Iraq currently possible to visit for the brave, adventurous, and open-minded traveller?

OK I know Iraq is utterly totally off the vast majority of people's itineraries for the immediate future. But I am pretty sure I have heard of some extreme adv

Do self-contained luxury resorts exist in the desert in North Africa or the Middle East?

I want to take my two elderly parents on a once-in-a-lifetime trip abroad. They have never left the UK in the past so it's very important that wherever we visit

Land-based travel in the Middle East

I'm half juggling the thought of a few weeks in the Middle East (I need to collect a 'Y' and an 'O' for my country alphabet). I've looked at flights that may g

Does the term "middle east" cover a certain set of countries? Could I be misunderstood when using it?

This, to me strange, topic has come up a few times lately, usually about Iran not being a middle eastern country. In fact it just came up in the chat room but p

Buying cheap flights in Jordan [closed]

It is known that throughout Southeast Asia, tickets are fairly cheap (so, when you buy them on location, from €30/$30 from one Southeast

Recreating Paul's missionary trips (from The Bible) / itinerary optimization and visas

I would like to go on Paul's missionary trips on a tour of the Near East (I'm a US citizen). However, I am not sure what visas are needed (and will likely ha

Should I cover up my tattoo when visiting the Middle East?

I stumbled upon a question on blending in in Egypt, in which one user warns that Egyptians regard tattooed people as criminals or foreigners. How big of a prob

Is it possible to hire a tour guy through Iraq with a film crew for a documentary film on Iraq ancient history?

We have three people working on a film in Iraq. We would like to do it with a guide. We have 2 cameras for est. $6000 each, which is a safety concern. We pla

Are Japanese women visiting middle eastern countries at risk of being seen as "easy"? [closed]

I've heard that in some (but not all!) areas in the middle east, there's a stereotype held by some (but not all!) that western women are easy.

Is there any restriction/limitation against female passengers who travel to the Arab countries of the middle east by these countries?

I was searching for visa rules of some Arab countries in the middle east which may limit or prohibit women (in relation to marital situation, age, male accompan

Which place in Middle East are these photos taken from?

I haven't seen this place yet.. can anyone tell me where this is? Seems beautiful and worth visiting

Travel implications when going to Muslim countries after a visit to Israel

I would like to visit Israel, but I have heard that if you visit some Muslim countries, they won't let you in, and visa versa. Does it depend on which Muslim c

Can I be refused entry due to my place of birth?

Usually entry requirements are based on country of citizenship, but is it at all possible to be denied entry if you were born in a country in conflict with your

Precautions when travelling to Middle East (DXB,SHJ) w.r.t PC and Kindle contents?

My memory may be incorrect, but UAE and neighboring countries are quite strict on censorship and from what I remember, even things such as Orkut were blocked an

Finding job on Visit visa [closed]

Can Indian Citizens find job in the middlle east or schengen Countries on Visit visa/Tourist visa? Is it permissible or not?

About Dubai, hotel as an unmarried couple but with a twist [duplicate]

Alright, so everything is already booked, hotel, plane tickets etc, we're both aware of the laws and such regarding behaviour and living in th

"No nudity" signs in changing rooms in Doha?

The changing rooms for the gym and pool at the Doha hotel I'm currently in has a sign up saying Please respect local customs, and avoid nudity whilst using

Misunderstood body language in Middle East?

I'm planning on traveling to the Middle East soon, and I'm wondering if any of the countries in the Middle East change the meanings of regular "universal" body

Definitive list of countries where a head scarf is required for woman [closed]

Having travelled extensively throughout my life it has only become recently in adulthood that there are certain customs to which you must abid