Category "international-waters"

Can the ship's captain really perform your wedding when in international waters?

On the question about whether you can get married while travelling, Mark Mayo posted a comment that any marriage has to be on dry land or close to it. But I'm

Is it legal to drink your own alcohol onboard a plane over international waters?

A debate was ensuing at work about consuming your own booze onboard a plane. The FAA can fine you several thousand dollars in the US if you did this, so natura

Is the Channel Tunnel in international waters?

Is the Channel Tunnel (the railway tunnel linking Great Britain and France) dug under the seabed considered international waters, or is it always under UK or Fr

Can a transnational marriage be performed over international waters?

Me and my fiancé are from two different countries. If we wouldn’t need a visa to get married over a cruise or in international waters, could we leg