Category "clothing"

Are there any standard clothing restrictions when visiting mosques?

I know from visiting many catholic churches that many require knees and shoulders to be covered, so dressing appropriately is essential for hassle-free travel.

What clothes should I bring on a backpacking trip

I am planning a 2 month backpacking trip through China. I would like to Bring the LEAST clothing possible Be comfortable in temperatures ranging from 10 C (5

Winter apparel for Europe (November-December)

I'm planning to go to Europe from 24 Nov - 5 Dec 2011 Since I come from tropical country, I really don't have any idea what should I wear during a winter. I h

Will I need to take special precautions for spending the winter in Tbilisi, Georgia?

I'm on my way to Tbilisi Georgia where I plan to stay all winter and since I'm from a warm country I'd like to know how cold it will get and whether I will need

What meteorological conditions do I need to consider when travelling to a new place?

It's always difficult to decide what clothes to take with you when you go to a new place. Usually I check Wikipedia to get an idea of approximate climate and we

What kind of clothes and footwear are ideal to visit Egypt?

I'm planning to visit a few places in Egypt during the month of January or February. The locations on my itinerary are: Cairo Alexandria Aswan Abu Simbel Luxo

Which places would require hiking boots?

What type of hiking do you need to be doing where you absolutely need hiking boots? I'm looking to do some hiking in SE Asia and South America, but won't have r

Winter apparel for Europe (November-December)

I'm planning to go to Europe from 24 Nov - 5 Dec 2011 Since I come from tropical country, I really don't have any idea what should I wear during a winter. I h

What is the most efficient way to pack a bag?

On trips of four days or less, I try to travel with a shoulder bag containing my laptop, electronics, etc. and a rolling, carry-on bag for everything else. Wh

How to cope with dry hands and cracking skin when travelling in cold locations?

So I'm from a pretty warm country, Australia but now I've spent my first month in cold Tbilisi Georgia and I lack the local know-how and intuition of how to cop

What clothing should I bring to Chicago for New Years' Eve?

I have lived in Las Vegas my whole life, and often the only time I'm around snow is when it's for a sporting purpose. I've never lived someplace cold and when I

What is the best way to pack a suit to reduce creasing?

When traveling for business purposes, it is often necessary to pack formal clothing, often within a small carry-on bag. What is the best way to compactly pack a

What equipment do you need for a skiing trip?

I'm preparing for a skiing trip in the Alps with my colleagues (around one week). I have very little experience in this, so I wonder what equipment you should b

Is it possible to buy outdoor clothing in Northern India/Nepal?

Another shopping question, but I do think it is on topic! I will soon travel to India, the first few months I will spend in the south and lower parts of the co

Backpacking - travelling with 'smart' clothes

I've heard the tips for keeping your clothes unwrinkled in general - rolling t-shirts, having those cell things for shirts in your bag, etc. However, while tho

Can I wear a kilt around Europe?

I have the idea of wearing my kilt whilst travelling around Europe. It will be a lighter fabric than the traditional woolen one as it would be too warm for summ

Is there any reason not to do laundry with bar soap?

When traveling light, is there any reason not to use standard hotel-issue bar soap to wash clothes in a hotel sink? Carrying powder laundry detergent (or worse

Do clubs in Hong Kong have any particular dress code?

I'm going to Hong Kong for Easter this year and I needed some packing advice. Do clubs in Hong Kong have a dress code, if any? What I mean by this is for, say,

Is there a dress code when visiting the Vatican in Rome?

I've heard from friends who have been to Rome that you must cover up when you visit the Vatican as they have a strict dress code. What does "cover up" mean? I

Supplies and support on a long-distance walk

I've travelled long distances, but I've always had my backpack and used transport, and can get by that way fairly easily in general. I've been reading about lo