Category "colombian-citizens"

Can a non EU spouse stay in the EU for two years in different countries? [closed]

I am Colombian, my husband has dual nationality from UK and Ireland, but he has never lived in Europe, only in the UK. He has a tech busines

Can I leave the UK on a Colombian passport?

I have lost my British passport and have a flight booked for Saturday. I have applied for a new one but it could take up to 7 working days which is too long for

Applying for visa outside country of origin

I am a Colombian citizen with a Colombian passport and a US tourist visa. I will be in the USA for a couple weeks and then travel straight from there to Brasil

my girlfriend is colombia and needs to pass through UK

basically, my girlfriend will need to pass through USA Orlando airport and the UK in Manchester airport to arrive at Dublin, will she need any kind of visa for

Indonesia or Malaysia tourist visa for Colombian citizen in India

How can a Colombian citizen apply for tourist visa for Indonesia in India. We would like to plan a 2 week vacation there. Is e-visa a possibility? Same questi

Do I need a Ukraine visa as a permanent USA resident?

I am a permanent resident of USA. I am planning to visit Ukraine for tourism and I will stay for 17 days. Do I need a visa since I am a lawful permanent residen

Colombian Citizen travel to Germany through Ireland (Dublin)

Hi my friend (Colombian citizen) is travelling to USA in October and stays with me (my friend has a visa for USA) until December when we travel to Germany. Howe

Colombian studing in Germany, wants to Apply for UK visa [closed]

I am a little bit confused. I live and study in Germany and I am applying for a UK Tourist visa with my own resources (Part-time Job (450 Eu

Colombian citizen stuck in the US due to coronavirus

I was on vacation in the US for 3 weeks. I am a Colombian citizen. Before I was to return on March 23 to Colombia my flight was cancelled due to Colombia clos

NL Refuse Stamp meaning and effect? What I can do to remove it?

I am a Colombian citizen without EU residence. My boyfriend is German citizen and we were travelling from Tanzania to Amsterdam. I had already 90 free to stay i

Can I help my friend get a Colombian passport from the USA? [closed]

My friend lives in Bogotá, Colombia. Can I help her get a Colombian passport, and can I pay with a credit card from the USA?

Validity of Colombian cedula when it's in an older format

I currently hold a Colombian cedula that was issued in 2010. It has holograms but it is not the latest cedula format. I am a dual American/Colombian citizen. W