Category "disputed-territories"

Northern Cyprus - way to visit and what problems can I have with Republic of Cyprus after that?

I know that Northern Cyprus is recognized only by Turkey, and not other countries. So how can I visit this republic - only from Turkey, or there are some other

Is it possible to visit Abkhazia by land from Georgia?

Is it possible currently (November 2011) to visit the rebel province of Abkhazia from the rest of the Republic of Georgia? (Russia regards it as independent sin

Is it possible for a tourist to visit South Ossetia?

South Ossetia is a rebel provice of the Republic of Georgia recognized and supported by Russia as an independent state since 2008 but recognized by most countri

Will Nagorno-Karabakh put my entry/exits stamps on a separate piece of paper?

Certain countries won't let a visitor enter if they have a passport stamp from certain other countries. One case is Azerbaijan which will not permit you to ent

How many countries are there in the world to travel to?

If you've travelled a bit, at some point you'll either have dreamed of or been asked - 'will you visit every country in the world?'. However, it's not a straig

Visiting both Taiwan and China having one passport

Can I expect to encounter any problem when visiting the Republic of China (Taiwan) after visiting the People's Republic of China or vice versa? I mean, some co

Travelling to "Azawad" - is it possible at present?

So in May, infighting in Mali reached an impasse and an independent state (mostly unrecognised by outsiders) was claimed - Azawad. Naturally it's more complicat

Crossing into South Ossetia (Tskhinvali) from Gori

I've been reading various conflicting information about visiting Tskhinvali. Are there buses or marshrutkas leaving Gori going into Tskhinvali? Would I have t

Status of David Gareja - rocky monastery on the top of the mountain

In summer last (2012) year I visited Georgia, and I was with my friends in David Gareja. They were tired, and I decided to climb a hill south of the monastery,

Besides Arab/Muslim countries re Israel, are there other countries which don't recognize passports of any other countries?

It is pretty widely known that quite a few Moslem and Arab countries do not recognize Israeli passports because they don't recognize Israel as a country. I am

Do people travel to the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands?

It's probably not the best idea to try to get to the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands. But every time I see a photo, I can't help but think how picturesque and pristine

Would China to Taiwan and back again count as another entry into China?

I have a double entry visa for China. I've used up the first one and will reenter China for the second one in the next few days. Now I'd really like to go to T

Visiting Bir Tawil or places like it

Bir Tawil is kind of a disputed territory, except that it's the exact opposite: both Egypt and Sudan say that the other country has sovereignty over it. Is it

If I've visited Crimea, what country do I list on my customs declaration form?

On returning to the U.S. I must fill out a customs declaration form, which includes listing the countries that I have visited prior to arrival in the U.S. If I

Are U.S. Citizens prohibited from travel to Crimea?

I have family in Crimea and would like to visit them. I've read Executive Order 13685, but am unsure how to interpret it. Are U.S. nationals prohibited from tra

Visiting both Abkhazia and Georgia

Reading up about Georgia I found out through the UK travel advisory that it's illegal under Georgian law to travel to Abkhazia from Georgia. Does this restri

Nagorno-Karabakh [closed]

I already have my ticket to Armenia and I aim to visit Karabakh. I'm particularly interested in the area below Togh in the South-West which is

What are the options of getting from Ukraine to Crimea (and vice versa) after 2014?

I'll be in Kiev this summer and would like to take a trip to Crimea. What are my options for doing so?

What is the correct way of visiting Transnistria without violating Moldavian laws?

Transnistria is a partially recognized state that forms a part of Moldova. I would like to visit both Transistria and Moldova on a single trip. What is the righ

What is the correct way of visiting Abkhazia without violating Georgian laws?

Abkhazia is a partially recognized state that forms a part of Georgia. I would like to visit both Abkhazia and Georgia on a single trip. What is the right seque