Category "bicycles"

Am I allowed to transport a bycicle on the train in The Netherlands and Belgium?

I am planning to travel through the Netherlands / Belgium and visit several cities. The most confortable/fast way seems to be the train, but for the city visit

Need cycling route options from Bangkok to Siem Reap (via Poi Pet) [closed]

I am planning a cycle trip from Bangkok to Angkor Vat next week crossing the border at Aranyaprathet/Poi Pet. I need some help in choosing th

Easy bicycling trips in Belgium?

I've just moved to Brussels. This spring/summer my wife and I would like to try biking around some of the wonderful Belgian countryside. I'm looking for one o

Biking tour in Russia

I am from Turkey and planning a bike tour in Russia and in Ukraine. I'll ride from Sochi to Yalta by using the Sochi - Anapa - Rostov on Don - Mariupol - Yalta

Can I take my bicycle into all German trains?

I want to take a train with my bicycle from somewhere in Germany to Switzerland. Concerning this, I have a couple of question that all go to the same direction:

Search engine for bicycle rentals

Many websites compare car rental prices. Are there any such websites for bicycle rental?

Is cycling in Tokyo safe?

I have booked a hotel in Tokyo near the JR Ueno train station and it offers bike rental. I know that around the station there are various attractions like Ueno

Is it better to ship bicycle from Egypt to Leipzig, Germany or to buy/rent one?

I'm studying going to Germany and specially Leipzig this summer for around 100 days. Personally I am very interested in cycling as a sport and as a means of tra

Can I take a bike on trains from Schiphol? [duplicate]

I want to ride my bike from Ijmuiden to Schiphol railway station and take it on the train to Groningen - any problem with this?

Is it possible to cycle from Manhattan to Williamsburg, Brooklyn on cycle paths only? [closed]

Is it possible to cycle from Manhattan to Williamsburg, Brooklyn on cycle paths only? Or do you need to ride on normal roads as well?

What kind of insurance protection should I expect on a guided mountain bike holiday?

I was wondering what protection / cover / insurance / safety I should be looking for and expect from a mountain biking tour/destination company? What precaution

What kind of roads am I not allowed to ride my bicycle on in Switzerland?

I'm in Switzerland for the summer doing some cycling. I'm wondering: Can I ride all the roads in Switzerland except for the autobahn? For instance, between Be

How to take my bike from Germany and/or France to Switzerland?

This summer I want to take my bike from Germany and/or France in the area around Cologne to Switzerland in the area around Zurich. For this purpose, I have a co

What do I have to take into account when buying an urban backpack? [closed]

I've been using satchels (i.e., a soft flat bag with a shoulder strap) and similar things to transport documents, books and a laptop for ages,

Free secure bike parking at Harwich International

Where can I find free secure bicycle parking at or near Harwich International railway station, Essex, UK for about 10 days in summer 2013?

Bicycle rental near Kastrup Airport, Denmark?

I plant to bicycle from Kastrup Airport (CPH) into Copenhagen itself. Does anyone know of a bicycle rental near to the airport?

Electronic alternative to bicycle map

I plan a bicycle trip over Europe. Most likely I will follow one of the EuroVelo routes, but I might change my plans during the trip. So I would need to take to

Renting bicycles in Leipzig

I'm new to town and I want to rent a bicycle for a day each weekend or something and I found the most famous bicycle renting system (next bike) is a little bit

Hiring bikes at Lago di Garda - Desenzano

The next few days, my boyfried and I are going to Italy, Lago di Garda. We are going to stay at Desenzano and were wondering if anybody knew where to hire a bik

Wellington, NZ cheap camping ground within 30mins bicycle from city

I would like to do some bicycle camping within quick reach of the city. Are there are any cheap or free sites that offer toilets? Showers not necessary, but wo