Category "airlines"

Do airlines typically charge for seating assignments when traveling w/ a small child?

I e-mailed Spirit airlines to see if I need to pay for seating assignments, or if they'd assign my 2 year old next to me by policy, and they told me to shell ou

For flight delay should we claim against booking airline or operating airline?

We booked a long-distance return flight with Lufthansa on their website, consisting of six flight segments in total, two of which were operated by Austrian Airl

Any way to find out how crowded a plane will be ? (before buying the ticket)

I have several options to go from point A to point B. I am just curious if there is a way to find out how crowded a flight will be on average (before buying the

Question about tickets and one way flying?

So next year, I'm going to be to Japan for 2 weeks. Beforehand I'll be flying to Toronto and Vancouver. But I'm purchasing all of them as separate tickets, so h

Can I gain mileage if I don't get on the flight but pass check-in?

This might be a ridiculous act but I still consider it. You purchase a return ticket and go to the country, and while you stay there you change your mind and bu

Do any airlines have bans on children from certain passenger sections?

Do any airlines have bans on children riding in certain passenger sections? (As opposed to banning them from the cockpit) I think I've heard about it before, b

Is there a site where PDFs of all airlines related to passenger rules/regulations are uploaded?

I was going through What is a stopover? and one of the comments shared What is a stopover? talks about

Are airlines in the EU obligated to provide water for passengers?

I was flying with Ryanair last month and wanted to take some vitamin pills while on board. I went down to the end of the plane and asked for a glass of water, b

Is it possible to receive an airline ticket reservation that can be cancelled?

I have not found anything that could give me an idea as how to buy an airline ticket, with a cancellation period let's say one week? The particular situation i

Where can I find the e-ticket number of a previously flown Turkish Airlines flight?

I have the reservation number, but I need the 13 digit e-ticket number for a couple of months old flight with Turkish Airlines. I've done the check in online, i

How can I see all routes flown by a given airline?

I've been trying to find a tool that could give me a list or map of all the destinations of a certain airline. Something like this easyjet's route map, but fo

One Ticket, Two Locations & Two Luggage Delivery Location

I am travelling to South Africa transiting via Nairobi before returning to Nairobi after a week, Can the airline hold/keep my luggage for me in Nairobi till I

Will I be allowed to board flight at Mumbai with Schengen visa validitiy for the next day? [duplicate]

I am a first time traveler to Europe. I have booked by flight from Chennai on 27th July with two transits at Mumbai and then Abu Dhabi and rea

What happens when an operating air carrier goes bankrupt for a flight that was ticketed through another carrier?

This question was prompted by mts' recent question What happens to plane tickets in case of airline bankruptcy? Many airlines today are part of a global allian

How will I receive my boarding pass when my itinerary involves several airlines?

So I am flying from SBA-SFO on United and then SFO to SAL on Avianca. Both flights were booked via United and obviously I will check in with United at SBA. My q

Claiming miles that I have flown before registering as frequent flyer

Recently I started traveling across US quite frequently – once a month or so, and by that time I haven't registered for Frequent Flyer program in any of t

Return date earlier than Departure date on the same flight booking

I was just trying to make a booking and accidentally provided a return date earlier than the departing date. I found that the departing date had reset to null.

Visualizing what airlines fly in US Airports [closed]

I am interested in understanding which US airports have what airlines. One could visualize this with a spreadsheet: ​ ​ This e

Which airlines might I have trouble taking, being an Israeli?

I'm an Israeli expat living in Europe (proper residence etc. but no citizenship/passport). I intend to travel from Europe to India, and I'm considering using an

Can a 16 year old fly alone in the European Union?

I have an identity card, but I have never travelled to a different country. I'm planning next year to fly from Lithuania to Cologne, Germany, to an event that