Category "bud"

Cheapest way to get to/from Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport

What is the cheapest way to get from Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport to the city center and approx. How long does it take?

How long does it take to get to Budapest airport (BUD) by bus?

I want to know how long does the bus between Budapest city center and Budapest airport take. I found the official webpage (in english) of the airport where I c

Connection time in Budapest is 55 minutes enough?

I'm traveling from Dublin to Budapest with Aer Lingus, then catching a connecting flight to Doha with Qatar. I have 55 mins between flights, I have not been to

Power at landside at Budapest airport?

It seems I will have a few hours to spend at the landside of Budapest airport. There seems to be a cafe Edit:

Transfer to Târgu Mureș airport

I'm going to fly from Târgu Mureș (TGM - Vidrasău) to Budapest (BUD). My flight is scheduled at 16:20. I found out on the net that the last

Is there any bus or train that travels directly from Vienna to Budapest airport?

I want to buy a ticket to travel directly to Budapest airport from Vienna because I don't like changing trains again inside the city. It would be great to have

Are there Schengen airports besides Budapest with border "holes"?

Due to COVID-19, many Schengen arrivals in Budapest take place at the non-Schengen sector. As such, despite doing a Schengen -> non-Schengen transfer, I won'

Transiting Budapest Airport in Times of COVID

I'm supposed to fly from BUD to the US at the end of the month. Due to COVID restrictions, as a US citizen, I can't enter Hungary; however, according to the BUD