Category "novice-travellers"

How to know when to get on and off for transfers on Greyhound?

This is my first time riding the Greyhound bus by myself. I'm very scared, I don't know when to get on and off the bus, and I'm also scared to ask for help. I h

What is the arrival process in international air travel?

I've never left my birth country before. What is the process when arriving in another country? Assuming I have my passport book and can fly to another country,

Australian visa for 1 year [closed]

I'm a little unsure about the Australian visa system. I've looked into which industries for the skills occupation list, but I'm unsure if that

Return to my home country after visa expires, but leaving foreign country in time. OK?

In my case, my home country is India, and I return to India from Germany. My Visa expires a day before I reach my home country. I leave the foreign country with

Can an indian citizen with US B1/B2 visitor visa travel to US from the UK

After visiting the UK, can an Indian citizen with US B1/B2 visitor visa travel to the US?

Travelling on Type D Schengen Italian visa

I have read a few posts specifying that you are allowed to travel for a 90-day period of a 180-day visa. I have a type D Schengen visa for 365 days. I have bee

Getting a hepatitis B vaccine when in Poland or Budapest

I was a bit late on getting my hepatitis B vaccine before I left for my backpacking trip and I have to get 2 more shots, (1 month after 1st shot, 6 months after

Can I travel between Schengen countries on one itinerary? [duplicate]

I want to travel to The Netherlands and Finland at the same time but my money is tight. For example, if my flight to Amsterdam is on Decembe

What places are good to visit in and from Ambleside in the Lake District UK during winter? [closed]

The title says it all. I know a lot of tourist destinations are closed in the winter. Are there things that specially open in winter so yo

Travelling on Type D Schengen Italian visa

I have read a few posts specifying that you are allowed to travel for a 90-day period of a 180-day visa. I have a type D Schengen visa for 365 days. I have bee

How seriously should I take size and weight limits of hand luggage?

I'll soon do my first intercontinental flight. Due to price, I decided to travel with hand luggage only. There are specified weight and size limits, of course &